He had no lessons last period; he never does around that time on Thursdays. It was always Transfiguration in the morning, then Astronomy- then there was no lesson for an hour before the Slytherins had Herbology with the Gryffindors. A class both Gryffindors and Slytherins loathed, seeing as they had to share the class with each other.
The petty arguments in that particular class, never seized to amuse him.
Coming to class late wasn't what he had planned when he decided to binge read a series on getting away with a crime, one of the books on murder. He had been looking for information to add to 'The Green Book'. He was the last to arrive at the greenhouse seemingly.
He still had the book in hand as he entered the class refusing to put it away. At any possible moment he could think f a theory, he needed the book at his side so he could write it down, there was no way he was going to allow himself to forgot it.
As he surveyed the room noting only two empty seats… unfortunately for him they were both beside Gryffindors, one he didn't know the name of and the other he remembered from when he had been shopping for Hogwarts, Cormac McLaggen.
He hesitantly headed towards the free seat beside the Gryffindor boy.
McLaggen glanced at him as he took the seat, "Black" he greeted neutrally.
"McLaggen" Leonis greeted back, his tone just as neutral and just like that the Gryffindor turned away and began chatting away with his housemate that was on his left side, leaving Leonis to no one, seeing as he was on the right side of the table, with only air on his own right.
He glanced over to where most of the Slytherins were sat and made eyes contact with both Rolland and Carl who opening laughed at him, mockingly as a joke and Leonis rolled his eyes.
Professor Sprout has arrived, a bundle of excitement she seemed to be, holding a small box in hand as she walked through the class, the heel of her shoes sounding loudly every step that was taken.
"Good afternoon class! I trust you all had a pleasant week since I have seen you last and I'm sure you'll be just as excited as I am when you find out what you'll be doing for the next two months."
The response the woman got from the class was a unison of groans obviously not excited at the thought of getting more work to do. Leonis on the other hand was curious and was hoping it had nothing to do with theory, possibly some practical work?
At the sounds her students made, she was not at all deterred, she shook her head. "We'll have none of that today. I'm sure you all remember me mentioning at the start of the school year about a term project I would have you all do… well today is the day you we will be discussing it."
Ahh, that project. He had completely forgotten about it, seeing as he barely paid attention the time, she did mention it because during that whole class she discussed the shape and smell of a particular plant which had him bored. He would be surprised if there was someone in that lesson that had found interest in listening to her rant about having to have good eyes.
"Now onto more details on it. The assignment will be due before Christmas, the last class period before the holidays. I will not- I repeat, I will not be accepting any late hand in, you must deliver the project before or on the day it is due, so please avoid procrastination.
There will be writing, and practical work involved in this project of course, which will be equally weighed, so try not to spend more time on one ignoring the other. Like I said at the start of the term, I'm sure some of you remember. This project will be worth half your grade for the term! So please treat it accordingly, if you're planning on receiving an Outstanding on your Christmas report.
With this project you will be working in pairs and each pair will be getting a different topic to work with, so meaning you will all have different goals to accomplish. Once the pairs have been formed, I will then give you your team assignment."
As she finished, many students glanced over the class, over table, turning their heads already silently pairing themselves up with their friends. Leonis himself didn't bother to scout the class for a partner, in his head he felt as though Carl and Rolland would pair with each other, it made sense since they were already seated beside one another.
He couldn't really think of anyone else to partner up with that wouldn't already have a friend to pair with.
"Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention the most important thing. You will be permitted to choose your partner, however." the Professor paused for emphasis, " you cannot partner with someone from your own House." The ambient noise increased as the students absorbed this blow and made as if to protest.
Great… now she made it 10 times harder for him to get a partner. Really with the Gryffindor? He had only just started getting in the good graces of the Slytherins, who no longer just see him as a murder's son, but a classmate and housemate, who apparently has 'pure blood'. He knew Draco would bath in the superiority he would demand once he would get sorted.
"My mind is made up, there is no need for the unnecessary bickering between the houses, that seems to progress terribly each year. As we return to class tomorrow, I expect you all to be partnered up with someone of the other House or I will be assigning the pairs myself AND take ten points from each of your Houses for each person unpaired. Class dismissed."
Leonis rolled his eyes at her tone. She might as well take the points off of him now.
Looking around he saw every walk towards the door just as he began to rush to pack the books, he had taken out not knowing they would not be using them, he shoved them into his bag and headed straight for Rolland and Carl who were already stood at the side of the door waiting on him.
"Gentlemen" Leonis greeted with a lax smile.
"I didn't think you'll actually make it to class" Rolland spoke out. "Yeah, we saved you a seat, but O'Neill just sat there after putting up some argument that we aren't allowed to save seats" Carl continued as he rolled his eyes dramatically.
"It's fine" Leonis responded as he tried not to bump into the other students who rushed past him from the class they just had.
"Can you believe her?! She really made us pair up with the Gryffindors! It's like she's trying to get the worst grades ever from our class. It's simply unfair, I'm hardly going to do well in the written exam, so I need to do good in the project, but I can't do that if I'm paired up with some brain-dead Gryffindor!" Carl spoke with an exasperated sigh.
Rolland snorted, "If given the chance you'd probably try partner up with Mr I get good grades and praises from the professors over here" Rolland commented as he threw his hand over Leonis.
"Huh- me?" Leonis blurted out That meant his studying was paying off. He was glad he was finding it easier than he had expected. Sure some of the classes were boring but he needed to pay attention to all of them no matter of useless the subject may seem. One day something from any one of these lessons could save his life if needed.
"Huh me" Carl mocked, "Yes you! You're like the smartest person in our year, literally, most Ravenclaws hate you because of it!" Carl continued before he glared over at Rolland and spoke again, "Of course, I would partner up with Leo! Don't act koi, I saw your greedy eyes looking over at Leonis during the class when Professor Sprout mentioned pairing up!"
"Shut up" Rolland snapped, his check reddening.
"That book again!" Carl blurted out snatching the object from his grip. Leonis quickly took it back and glared at him. "Sorry, why do you even have with you for herbology. Is it your herbology book?"
The next day came quick and once again the Gryffindors and Slytherins were seated quietly in the greenhouse refusing to look at each other. Shockingly there seemed to be only one group that has been from with one Gryffindor and one Slytherin but from what Carl had whispered in Leonis' ear, the two that had paired up were friends before Hogwarts.
Their professor arrived with a bright smile, but that smile dimmed once she saw the students. Instead of seeing a mix match of Slytherins and Gryffindor's sat beside each other she was faced with what she always saw. A group of Slytherins on one side and the same with the Gryffindor's.
"I really all gave you all a chance to partner up but it's looking as though you have not all done what I have asked of you all. It's time to partner up, I'll ask for the Gryffindors to stand up!"
Leonis watched as the Gryffindor's, which was practically half the class half-heartedly rose, their bored expressions gazing forth. He could hear their hushed whispers of annoyance.
'Why don't the Slytherins have to get up?'
'What's the point of the project anyways?!'
'I rather just lose half my grade than have to partner up with a slimy snake.'
'Why are you guys even complaining? Slytherins are ambitious for a reason, it's a free good grade teaming up with a snake!'
"Alright, before anything else. If you already have a partner, come forth."
Just then only two students made their way towards their professor.
"Good, good! 10 points to Slytherin, Mister Doval. 10 points to Gryffindor, Miss Tectura. I'll ask for one you to take a piece of paper from the red box, no looking of course. It will be your assignment, once you've done so, you may take a seat and discuss the project."
"Of course, Professor" it was Doval that answered the woman and stuck his hand in the hole of the box, pulling out a folded piece.
Both of them had smug smiles as they took a seat in the corner of the class.
"Alright, for the rest of you- 5 points from Gryffindor, Miss Reye for deciding to sit down when I specifically asked the Gryffindor's to stand. Do you think of your housemates as your lessers?"
The girl with red curly hair stood up quickly looking embarrassed, "Sorry Professor."
"Now, each Gryffindor will be grabbing a piece of paper from the white box, here on my right. That piece of parchment will have a name of a Slytherin, it'll be you job to look for them and stay seated with them. Make sure to also take a parchment from the red box which will have your project!"
With that, Gryffindor after Gryffindor silently got a name and began to walk through the class the get to their partner, moving to another seat.
Leonis was still seat with Rolland and Carl already taken away by their partners. The thrumming of his fingers hitting the desk stopped when he felt a presence at his left side. He looked towards the side to see a girl staring- no glaring at him. Her dark grey eyes assessing him, trying to see his worth. She had long dark hair, that was neatly straightened which fell all the way to her waist.
"You're my partner" she plainly said, "Move" she then proceeded with.
"Um…" Leonis murmured as he moved to the seat on his left providing space for her to sit.
"Let's keep introductions short, I know who you are. I'm Lena Rosé, here's our project" she then unfolded the parchment and placed it Infront of Leonis who nodded at the short introduction.
"So… is Rosé French? Are you French?" Leonis couldn't stop from asking.
Her eyes snapped to him, "Look, we're here because of Professor Sprout not to make friends- yes, my name is French. Yes, I am of French descent. My father is from France, my mother is Irish. Let's read the project now."
"Alright" Leonis answered her, it was obvious she wanted nothing but a professional relationship. She wasn't even trying to hide the fact that she disliked him.
"Do you hate me or something?" Leonis asked his hands fumbling with the parchment in boredom.
"Don't crumple the parchment!" she snapped grabbing it from his hands, ignoring the question.
She gave him one last pointed look before tilting her head up, "I'll read it."
"A valley beyond the Quidditch fields south of the Castle has been home to many magical plant species for millennia. One such species, 'Swamp Shadblow, is not native to the region, but has adapted to coexist with the other plant and animal species that live there since its introduction nearly two centuries ago. 'Swamp Shadblow' have thrived here until recently. However, its flowers have turned blue and wilted, and its leaves have turned yellow.
Mr. Black and Ms. Rosé. It is your responsibility to retore the ailing 'Swamp Shadblow' and help it thrive once more. You are permitted to use magical or non-magical means to accomplish this. If you require materials that are not available at the school premises, please contact myself, or madam Pince as needed."
She finished reading with a frown, "How come it already has our names?!" she asked surprised.
"Well, Professor Sprout must have magically enchanted the parchments, binding them to whoever chose them to prevent people from swapping assignments. There's probably another parchment which has all our names once we chose one." Leonis answered her.
"Oh… that makes sense. You know, I've never heard of a… what was it again" she grabbed the parchment skimming through the writing, "Ah, yes. I never heard of a Swamp Shadblow before... have you?" she asked him unsurely.
"Nope, all new to me" Leonis answered her as he looked around the class seeing everyone discuss their project.
The Professor Sprout spoke again.
"Alright! Seeing as everyone has gotten a partner, I will be ending today's lesson early allowing you all the chance to discuss in more detail about your assignment. Make sure to take a scroll before leaving, which you will be using for your project."
"I'll get it" Leonis spoke out, when he saw Lena move towards them, she nodded moving allowing him space to get out.
As they left the classroom, Leonis turned to the dark-haired girl, "Do you want to go to the library?"
"…Oh, I get she let us out early, but I need to do something, meet tomorrow morning in the library? Let's say 8am?" she asked.
"Yeah okay, that's fine. We have enough time to do the project anyways. I'll keep the scroll safe" He responded giving her a nod and she went off after returning the nod. His arms swung awkwardly at his side, with one holding the scroll as he walked slowly through the now empty hall…alone, watching as Lena got further and further away.
He might as well work through 'The Green Book' again then. He headed straight towards the dorms, which were empty, it was obvious his dormmates were still with their Herbology partners, unlike him.
He opened the book skimming through the last pieces he added.
'Insufferable idiotic, barbaric dunderhead. I am simply glad you seem to take after your mother. Don't mistake me, not just that father of yours but the lot of them- now leave!' quote by quote from yours faithfully, Severus Snape.
He had pestered the man after one of the potion lessons, not leaving until he got a comment. The comment didn't necessarily help with the objective… but it was something.
Maybe Leonis should have changed the words a bit… nah, it's fine and quite amusing.
'Oh, your father? He was… well- your father was always loyal to his friends.' A quote he took from Professor McGonagall. She seemed hesitant to answer, finding it strange he was asking such questions about his father, to which he responded with.
"I'm just curious about their own time at Hogwarts."
'Hm… what is there you would like to know about your father and his friends? They were quite close, possibly as close as brothers would be. If one got in trouble, they all got in trouble, never leaving one out.'- McGonagall.
He sighed after looking them over, before looking down at the response he got from both McGonagall and Snape.
'Leonis(me): Do you really believe Sirius Black is innocent?'
He snorted as he let his hand trace of the black ink he wrote, quoting himself, what he had asked both Snape and McGonagall. He had just straight up asked the question, the look on both their faces were priceless.
'I would like to believe he didn't, but the evidence is there'- McGonagall.
'I don't care, how many times have I told you to stop bothering me?'- Snape.
'Leonis(me): Professor, how does one become an Animagus?'
'Are you interested in becoming one? You will have to wait until you're older. It is quite a long process and you will have to make sure you get registered once you become one.'-McGonagall.
'Leonis(me): Ah so it's possible to become an illegal Animagus then.' He remembered when he mentioned that, in that moment he couldn't help but think how the marauders definitely weren't registered.
He flicked past it all to a blank page and began writing another title and began jotting under it.
'The death of the muggles and a member of the Marauders'
'The massacre in London- Occurred midnight, 1st November 1981. Sirius Black, the secret keeper for the Potters, killed 12 muggles and a fellow wizard, Peter Pettigrew, with a powerful explosive curse, likely the blasting curse. A massive crater was left in the streets exposing the sewer pipes below. Sirius Black was found to be laughing manically. The only thing that remained of Peter Pettigrew was his right index finger' He had summarized what he had read about the incident.
Just a finger? It had been on his mind for a bit. Seriously all that was left of Peter Pettigrew was a finger?... his index finger at that! How did that make sense? With the muggles their bodies still remained even if they were disfigured and destroyed it was obvious that they were there but all that was left of Peter was a finger. Wouldn't the finger- and secret keeper? His dad was the Potters Secret-Keeper…
His dad was best mates with James Potter- brothers. For James Potter to have chosen Sirius to be his secret keeper was a big deal, a show of trust. He trusted Sirius his best friend to protect them.
What if Sirius wasn't actually the secret-keeper? Leonis pondered… it could be a possibility but there was no proof.
…Why did Sirius even chase Peter Pettigrew? What was the point? If he really was the secret keeper and Peter somehow 'found out' Sirius betrayed the Potters and went to check… Sirius could have tried to silence Peter by chasing him… which made no sense since it was already known he was the secret keeper, just silencing Peter wouldn't have silenced everyone else.
If Peter had survived, Leonis would have suspected him of being guilty in all honesty.
There was nothing else. Nothing else he could go on, no proof- nothing. Though the whole situation made no sense to him especially the situation with Wormtail and Sirius.
He sighed and closed the book once more, tossing it on his bed. It was ridiculous. He gripped his hair in frustration feeling as though he was getting nowhere.
Secret keeper-
His hands froze, slowly he released his hands from his hair looking dumbe at the green book.
What if?
What if Peter Pettigrew wasn't dead… he was an illegal animagus right? It's plausible, right?
No, that was stupid.
Was it? Now he was overthinking.
He needed to talk to his father.