(Battle of a lifetime.)

Chapter eight:

I'm coming for you Thanos.

Is what Thanos hears before he snaps the stone's.

He hesitates. I am... inevitable. Thanos said with a wicked smile.

He snaps, but nothing happens. He snaps again but nothing happens. Thanos turns to the Ironman Gauntlet and the stone's are there but it isn't working.

Sir! Something just entered the atmosphere! Friday informs Tony Stark.

I'm here, so it's not me! Carol Danvers informs them as she's still recovering from the blow that Thanos had hit her with by using the Power Stone.

They all look up and sees the clouds glowing like the Infinity Stones.

Davina emerges from the clouds and lands in front of Thanos. I want my stone's, Davina said as she grits through her teeth. Her eyes having electrical rainbows in them. With or without your consent. Davina say's with a angry tone.

I don't even know who you are! Thanos exclaims to her.

You'll know by the time I am done with you. Davina say's and then she stars glowing purple with a little bit of black.

She throws her arm out and the purple and black power flows out of her hand's and hits Thanos.

Thanos goes flying back and hits his army.

Kill her! Kill her! Thanos ordered to his army to go after her meanwhile she starts smiling.

This is going to be fun, Davina Osborne smirks and summons her power.

She then taps into her power and blasted the aliens with her purple and black beam. She then proceeds to use her Mind Stone to have the on army attacking her, to attack each other.

She has her eyes set on Thanos while she's fighting. She sees a worm like creature coming her way and she blasted up into the air and punches it with a glowing purple and black fist of her's.

The worm like creature goes into the force and crashes down on it's teammates. Davina hovers down and walks towards Thanos.

Everyone let Davina get to her stone's! Don't stand in her way, stand with her! Steve Rodgers tells everyone on the coms.

Steve Rodgers manages to get everyone to make her a clear pathway to Thanos.

Give me the stone's, Davina orders with a snarl.

I would rather die. Replied Thanos.

That can be arranged, Davina then power punches Thanos into a nearby rock and it collapses on him.

Davina waits for him to break through, like she predicted, and he breaks through. Thanos scowls at the girl.

They stalk towards each other and Thanos grabs the Power Stone in his right hand and proceeds to punch Davina, only for Davina to catch his punch.

What? How is this possible? Thanos asked with a angry expression.

Trust me. Davina growl's and proceeds to steal her Power Stone from him.

It flys around her and settles on her right hand. She smiles at the stone and then glares at the Mad Titan.

Give the stone's over! Davina yells and then uses the Power Stone she lifted up a rock and hurled it at Thanos. He uses the Reality Stone and turns it into bubbles.

Davina then senses it's power and throws her hand out and the Reality Stone comes flying at her attaching itself to her left hand.

Thanos tries using the Time Stone to reverse time but, as expected, her connection to it, makes it fly to her. It goes flying around and connects itself above the Power Stone on her right hand.

Davina then tries advancing towards him. Thanos uses the Space Stone to teleport behind her but the noise from it doesn't catch her off guard like he had hoped.

The Space Stone fly's off the Infinity Gauntlet and flys towards Davina. It spins around and lands on her left hand above the Reality Stone.

Davina has had enough so she used her Time Stone to freeze time in order to take the Soul Stone away from Thanos.

The Soul Stone fly's around her and attatches itself on her collarbone as the Mind Stone lands in the middle of her forehead.