CHAPTER: 3 What Is Going On? At the hospital, Ji Ah wakes up in a very tired and terrible state. She gets up and

It's a bright morning, Ji Ah weakly wakes up from a phone call. She was alone there no one is around her whom she knows. She saw herself in green clothes at a hospital ward with a saline pipe in her arms, she feels too tired from her sleep and tries to get up from the bed to pick up the call which was ringing. Ji Ah tries to recall the last night, that how come she ended up in a hospital as a patient.

She picked up the call, the call is from a 'Private Number' and speaks "Hello, who are you?" There seems to be no reply from the other side, so she again asks " Who are you? Hello!!, May I know who you are? Where are you calling from? Whom you are searching for?". From the other side, the person speaks out and said: "Hello miss...Kim". It seems to be a man from the voice of the person on the other side. This lil shocks Ji Ah and she asked: "Yes, I am. What do you want (politely and suspiciously)?" The man replied, "How are you? May you are alright. By the way, from your voice, it's like you are quite well from the last night". Ji Ah got confused. She thought that 'When did I gave my phone number to a man ever since I return to Korea and more the that he is talking about the last night. Who is he (suspiciously)? As far as I can recall the last night I didn't meet any man or gave my number to someone.' Ji Ah replies to him "Now I am feeling better, but who are you? What is your name? How did you get to know about my condition? And how did you end up calling me? I mean from where did you get my number?" The man replied out "Miss Kim, it's really like you don't remember. Ahh... how come you will remember you were unconscious. So it seems you don't know anything, let me tell you the story.

Last night you were unconscious on the ground when I saw you in the karaoke club. Sawing you laying on the ground, I picked you up that instant in my 'Own Two Arms' and took you to my room and gave you treatment from my friend who is a doctor. And after that, you can realise the rest. I think you are well treated by my friend, he is your doctor in charge of yours. So he will take good care of you for me. Ahh!!... I almost forget. You must be thinking that how I able to contact you, I didn't take your number from your friends. Last night, when you were unconscious, I took your phone number, so that I can ask you about your health after all I saved you that moment. And there is another reason for taking your number is that we can meet someday by 'PLANNED' rather than accidentally. So, sorry for that if you mind by the way I don't think that you will mind, after all, I am the person who saved you. You owe me a meal. Get well soon so that you can buy me a healthy meal. Rest assured".

Ji Ah speaks out that immediate " Exactly who you are? Why are you not telling me your identity? I am grateful to you for the last night that you saved me but also I need to know who you are. So, please tell me your identity. And I know I owe you a fever, so I will make sure... no, I promise you that I will buy you a meal. But for God sake please tell me who you are".

"As you eagerly want to know who I am then, let's meet as soon as possible, but miss Kim I'm extremely sorry that I can't be able to come to see you today. As I have a tight schedule today till midnight but remember the last night we have met for the second time. Fate helps us to meet again. And now at least I've gained confidence that we will meet again and again, again and again, cause our fate is destined by the nature. So be safe and healthy so that we can meet again. Don't fall sick. I'm eagerly waiting for our next meet. I'm excited that how will we meet next..."

"LEE SEONG SUN...!!! (Loudly and surprisingly with anger) You...!!!"

"Uff...!! At last, you recognised me (relief). I thought you might have completely forgotten about me. (Giggling) So, as you have recognised me don't forget to give me calls from time to time. I will be waiting for your calls. Right now I am at my shooting when I'll get free from my work I will make sure to call you. Wait for my calls. Bye...!!!"

Lee Seong Sun ends up the call and Ji Ah continues to shout on the phone with a loud voice "Hello...Hellooooo...Hey...!!! Mr Lee...LEE SEONG SUN...!!! I am not completed yet...!!!"

She angrily throughs her phone in the bed. Meanwhile, Min so comes to her ward with some food and medicine along with the doctor (Seong Sun's friend), nurses with her medical reports.

Seeing the doctor Ji Ah thought that the doctor must be the friend of Mr Lee. She directly asked the doctor " You must be the friend of that jerk Lee Seong Sun". Everyone gets shocked and Min So excitedly continues to ask her "How did you know? How did you get to know that the doctor is Seong Sun Oppa's friend? Who told you? Are you sure? Can I befriend him? I am so excited...Ji Ah, you gave me such great news. Eat a lot".

The Doctor tells Ji Ah about her medical report and gave a discharge paper to sign on it. He asks Ji Ah "Miss how do you know that he and I are friends? I think you guys know each other from earlier that is the reason why he got panic when he sees you unconscious in the club. I don't know how you get to know about us but he is a very nice boy. To be honest, I have never seen him that much panic neither in his exams nor career. This could be rude but I think my friend likes you. Take care of yourself".

While eating her healthy meal Ji Ah giggles a little and mummer "Hmm, maybe he is a good guy, let's see how far we go".

Her phone lights up with a message. She picks up and swipes to see the message and gets excite. The message is from the assistant director of Leaf Entertainments for her job interview with the meeting address. She gets change and gets ready to leave the hospital with Min So.