Gathering Supplies!

The ship hung over the planet I had recently just left, I decided to change my clothes. The armor I had on now was dirty and essentially destroyed. Thinking as such, I opted to take a shower before doing all of this.

The shower room was small and a bit coarse, it was like no one had cleaned this place in ages. I wondered how anyone could wash themselves in such an environment. I sighed and decided otherwise and headed back towards the ship's control room.

This ship was top notch and it was all due to those little twins. Their intelligence was truly something to be looked up to. I even had thoughts of reviving them once I got my hands on the Dragonballs, but there were other smart people in this universe, so this thought only lasted for a second before I discarded it.

I took a seat in the main piloting chair.

There were two main places I wanted to go to. The first was earth, the second was Yadrat, while the third was some planet in the galaxy. I didn't opt to head to earth because I would simply be wasted my time there right now. As for Yardrat, I wasn't sure, when I watched the show I heard that there was a terrible disease on that planet.

"I'll head towards that planet and get rid of some garbage on my ship. I can stock up on other things as well before making my final decision." Earth would allow me to boost my strength if I asked Bulma to make me a gravity machine, but it would be too weird to just randomly make such a request.

If I had to, I wouldn't mind using force to make it happen. However, that wouldn't be wise, although I was capable of beating everyone there now; they may be able to seal me if push comes to shove. I inserted the coordinate to a planet called Wyrm.

This was a planet that Turles and his Crusher Corp visited often for supplies. There was still plenty of Galactic currency within the ship's vault. The ship was fast, it was estimated that the ship would arrive at the Planet Wyrm in 6 hours.

This planet was native to people who had snake and crocodile-like heads, they created many food and trade markets. What I needed was cleaning supplies for that bathroom and I needed to stock up on a few other things, like food. Unfortunately, there was no training room here, these fellas didn't bother to do any form of training besides exercising.

Yardrat would be good for learning Techniques and even Ki-Control. This would give me access to more possibilities. I wanted to also go to Namek, but they probably wouldn't look favorably upon me because of the recent owner of this body's past deeds.

But the soul was different, with it being replaced by my own so I couldn't say for certain. That Nail fella wasn't someone to be trifled with as I was now. In this case, I made my way over to my favorite part of this ship where a large circular window was located. This was mine and the previous owner's favorite part of the ship, it gave off a Saiyan-like feeling of being in their old traditional space pods.

During the creation of this ship, this was what Turles was going for when it was being made by those twins. My armor was like a dark blue-purplish color, I came to the decision that I wanted to change the color to black. Unfortunately, I didn't have such armor on me or on my ship, but the planet I was going to sold armor of this color.

My white cape had black scorch marks on it from the previous battles, so it was pointless wearing it. Funny enough, Turles kept many of these capes, he had a White and a Black variant of this cape.

In my downtime, I decided to do a few workouts like sit-ups, push-ups, and shadowboxing. It was a bit effective but it wasn't anything compared to if I was under pressure, or what I want to say— gravity.

Before I knew it, I had already arrived above the planet Wyrm. I decided to take a space pod to the planet instead of landing my main ship there. My space pod broke through the atmosphere, I was heading towards the spaceport.

This city was strange, it had exceedingly tall buildings that looked like huge pencils. They seemed to be expecting me. My space pod slowly hovered in the port, they knew what and who I was and some people weren't exactly friendly towards me. They knew who I was because of the Crusher Corp symbol on my pod.

I exited my pod before gazing around, there were some welcoming gazes while some were filled with scorn. I could care less about these people, as long as they didn't come looking for trouble, then no one would get hurt or killed.

"Turles, I'm surprised you came personally. Don't you always have your cronies do the work for you?" Some crocodile-headed man was the first to greet me. I was prepared for seeing such people, but the shock of seeing it in person shook me to the core.

"They're doing other things right now, so I came by myself to get the job done." There was no point in me telling him that they had died, it was wasn't his business anyway.

"Oh..." The crocodile man gave a simple 'oh' in reply and didn't ask for any details.

I moved my space pod to another location where other ships were present. This was possibly my last time coming to this planet. I knew where to go to get supplies, 'I' had come here a good number of times in the past.

I quickly made my way to a warehouse where I saw the man I was looking for. I had a bag of money with me that was more than enough to purchase the things I needed.

"Oh, Turles..." The man looked surprised, he looked behind me as if he was looking for someone else. I knew he was wondering where the rest of my squad was, but I feigned ignorance.

Me and the Crusher squad were originally going to stock up on supplies anyway after our business on that planet, but that all went to s**t in the end.

"I need the usual in bulk, I'll be back to confirm everything later." I didn't try to make conversation, I just wanted to what I needed, then I would be on my way.

"Right, it can be done, your total is also the same as usual." The man could tell I wasn't trying to make conversation, so he didn't try to force it. I gave him a certain amount of money and flew away.

This time, I arrived at a place that tailors armor, the type of armor that Saiyans and Frieza's minions always wore. I walked into the shop and saw many types of armor hanging up, it wasn't exactly amazing or costly to get these types of armor, so people bought them a lot.

The man behind the counter turned and looked my way, he seemed stunned to see me.

"I want three sets of this armor, here, take a look. I drew it up myself, I'm sure it shouldn't take you long to make this armor, right?" I sat the blueprint on the counter, he was still looking at me with surprise before looking down at the blueprint.

"You drew this? Your drawing ability is pretty good for a Saiyan...ahem...I mean—this is a pretty good drawing!" The man hurriedly corrected himself.

He was an old man with red skin and black hair with several wrinkles on his cheeks, he was almost looked like Jieces' race but there were a few differences—being him having horns coming out of his forehead.

"Can you make this armor or not?" I asked to be certain, this man was too fearful but it was understandable.

"Yes, yes, I can have it done in two hours if I started now!" The old man hurriedly and spoke, he realized he hadn't answered my question.

I nodded and handed some of the money from the bag over to him. I only told the old man that I'd be back later for the armor. The armor I had drawn up was the same as Bardock's armor from the movies, but instead, it was black with a trim of white.

I didn't expect to wear armor the whole time, I was planning on completely changing my style later. The final place I was heading sold cleaning supplies for my bathroom in my ship, and just in general. The Crusher Corp's people weren't the cleanest, so there was dirt and hair everywhere in that bathroom.

I smelled a few cleaning things and even asked the women inside the shop about how effective the products were. She was extremely nervous at first, but over time, as she talked to me, she relaxed and explained things much clearer.

The woman had purple skin and blonde hair with blue eyes, she looked quite cute if I had to say so himself. Her appearance was humanoid, many other races had come to this planet to set up businesses.

Afterward, I went to sit on a bench, there was really a lot to think about after being transfer to this Dimension. I wasn't given any cheats, no system, no special skills, just a new shot at life in the reality of Dragonball.

I suddenly remembered something, but these were the memories of the Turles from before. They couldn't take my supplies to my ship, they needed to take them to the hangar where my ship was. However, my main ship was in space while I only had a space pod present, and that wasn't enough to contain all of that food.

I didn't hesitate and hastened my way over to the spaceport to set off. I was going to bring my main ship here since this was always the way they did it anyway. Twenty minutes later my ship slowly passed through a different section of the hangar where bigger ships were supposed to go.

Sure enough, they were waiting in this part of the port for me, they had been searching for my ship for 5 minutes now.

When they saw me come through the port, I could visibly see their lips twitching. I came out of my ship with a smile across my face, in order to save a little face.

"Well then, here's your order. You can check and see if everything's here if you want." The crocodile man handed me a clipboard that showed the listing of food. Some of these foods were things I've heard of before, but I knew what they were for reasons.

I could help myself from staring at this guy's huge snout filled with teeth, it was actually a humanoid crocodile person!

My gaze revert towards the large stock of food that was wrapped in clear plastic. There were several boxes, this food would last me for a bit, perhaps. But I was feeling extremely hungry right now, my eyes were burning when I saw them.

"Everything checks out, you guys bring the food onboard the same way as usual." The crocodile head man nodded, then his sight shifted towards the lizard-headed man driving the lift cart.

"Load her up!" The crocodile man waved his hand towards my ship. I left the railing down, so they could drive the cart through the ship to drop off my food. Originally, I was surprised at how fast they deliver my food. I wasn't expecting it to be so quick, but they were there waiting for me.

Once they were done, I gave them a nod, but I only received a cold snort before they left. I could only shake my head, Saiyans weren't liked very much; that's for sure. After that was taken care of, I decided to drop by a restaurant.

"Hello, right this way, sir." I was greeted by a waiter, who didn't show any fear of me at all. His smile was sincere, something I hadn't seen since ever since I came to this world. Well, I hadn't been in this world for a long time, so what could I say?

I looked over the menu and began to order almost everything on it, at least one of everything. The man wasn't surprised, the previous Turles had come here before, so the waiter was aware of me.

I had to wait for a while before they were able to serve me, but what I was thinking was also something totally different. I sighed, I needed to get stronger, what I wanted to do was become a Super Saiyan in time.

In time, it should happen. After a while, my food was delivered to my table by multiple people pushing different food carts. After this, I can just go grab my new armor and depart this planet.

"Time to dig in." My mouth nearly drooling looking at the strange food before me, but I didn't let that stop and I began to eat to my heart's content.