
Goku ran outside, his teeth were clenched as he gazed into the distance. Even sweat had started to appear on his forehead, he had never sensed anyone this powerful before. He knew that this unknown individual had to be coming for him.

"Goku, what's wrong?" Chi-chi followed Goku after seeing him stop in the middle of eating to rush outside. For him to stop in the middle of eating was unreal in itself, how could she not be concerned?

"Chi-chi, go back inside, now!" Goku yelled, he was worried for her safety.

"Daddy..." Gohan ran over to Goku, passing Chi-chi like a shadow before she could get ahold of him.

"Gohan!" Chi-chi ran over to get Gohan but he had already grabbed onto Goku's leg. That's when she felt and saw it. Chi-chi had her own training, so she wasn't bad at sensing Ki Signatures.

Chi-chi looked and saw a figure hovering in the sky above them. Goku stared up at that figure with his fist clenched.

Turles descended from the sky, finally revealing his face!

"Whaaaa~!" Goku's eyes went wide in shock. Chi-chi's whole body froze when she got a good look at this man's face. Gohan stared at him for a while, before looking back at his dad's face; he seemed confused right now.


I could see that he was shocked by his expression, but I was also amazed to see the famous Goku from my childhood. Goku had one of his arms held up in front of him, while his other arm was on Gohan, who was moving too much.

"Gohan, stop, get back." Goku kept his eyes on me, he was on high alert. Chi-chi's eyes never left me either, her mouth just hung open as she stared at my face.

"Well, well, Kakarot, it looks like you're doing good for yourself on this planet, not bad." After saying as such, I shifted my gaze toward Chi-chi and nodded.

"You must got the wrong guy, I don't know what this Kakarot is." Goku replied right away, his reply sounded neutral. I hadn't done or said anything that was hostile, so he wouldn't have such a harsh reaction.

"You're Kakarot, you're a Saiyan just like me. It seemed the records were right, you were indeed sent here. Our planet was destroyed by Freiza, an evil Tyrant of the universe; there is a whole universe filled with evil entities and he's the head of all." I rambling about Frieza right away, I just had to let it be known.

"Our planet? I'm from Earth, I don't know any other planet—other than this one. So I can't say I understand what you're talking about." Goku believed himself from this planet, he couldn't relate otherwise.

"Oh, really?" I revealed my tail for them to see, if I couldn't convince him with words, then action would be best.

"What? Goku, he has a tail!" Chi-chi jumped in surprise, her eyes never left Turles; she wanted to say something but couldn't. Goku's whole body shuddered, his son had a tail and he himself once had one.

"Relax, I'm not here to start trouble, I'm here to learn. We can learn from one another, I teach you and you teach me, what do you think?" I had to make my intentions clear or this conversation wouldn't go anywhere.

I could see that Goku's figure relaxed a lot, he wasn't hard to get along with anyway, in fact, he was a very friendly person.

"Great, please come in and join us for lunch!" It was silent for a moment until Chi-chi broke it. Chi-chi smiled and invited me to dinner, I wasn't hungry but I couldn't refuse her.

"Chi-chi's cooking is pretty good, you'll love it." Goku smiled waved me over, I was a bit stunned that the problem that was me—had been settled. But, as I said before, he was a friendly and easy-going guy.

I took a seat at the table, as Chic-chi quickly got another bowl ready. Gohan stared at my face, he looked quite surprised and curious.

"It's a second dad, why do you look like dad?" Gohan couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, we both have the same face, are you like my brother or something? How did you get so strong? Where do you train?" Goku continued to stuff his face, even when asking me many questions.

Chi-chi hurriedly and place the bowl in front of me, it was fish and hog meat. There was a ton of it on the table, Goku had hunted these earlier.

"I got strong by fighting a lot, I didn't do much training. You can call me a pirate, but I've long since defected from such things. I was under the rule of Frieza, but those days are over, you, me, and three other Saiyans are left."

Of course, I hadn't forgotten about Broly and his father, even I remember him since he was born around the same time as Vegeta. "As for your brother, you'll see him again but he won't be playing nice. He'll try to force you to become a pirate, and you'll be helpless against him."

I have to say, this fish was quite good, my god! What was this seasoning she used, I never heard of it?

"What? My Brother?" Goku stopped eating, and he frowned hearing this.

"Goku, so you really do have some family members, I've never met any of them!" Chi-chi was excited, she seemed to have not heard the part of Raditz forcing him.

I couldn't understand why she was so nice, she was usually hard to deal with in the anime. Perhaps this was because she found that I looked like Goku, and was acting friendly. I was also aware of Goku's origin and family members, so I put the puzzles together.

"He couldn't be any brother of mine if he wants to force me into doing evil deeds like piracy." Expressed Goku seriously.

"Either or, he's still your brother, you'll need the sufficient strength to defeat him. You don't need to kill him, just beat him and bring him over to your side. The Saiyans alive can already be counted on both hands, we don't need anymore dying. So, you'll need to train up, you're a Martial Artist, right?"

But...If any of them got out of hand, then I would be forced to kill them. However, the more the merrier, it would do well against future threats. All the action would be centered around Earth in the future, there was nowhere special to go in the universe besides here.

"Martial Arts? Training?" Chi-chi wasn't happy hearing that, she didn't want her son involved in such things.

I could tell from her expression that she wasn't happy to hear this, but I didn't say anything. I continued to eat, I wasn't hungry but this food was too good to pass up. My god, it was like I never enjoyed eating so much!

Chi-chi didn't say anything more and just watched us both gobble down our food. Once we were done, Goku had a refreshed expression, as he lifted both his arms in the air and stretched.

"That was good, I'm stuffed! Ah, right, you never told us your name. My name's Goku." Goku stood up and stretched out his arm to firmly introduce himself.

"I'm Turles, nice to officially meet you." I shook Goku's hand, then I told him that we should go outside to talk more.

"Gohan, get back here!" Chi-chi grabbed Gohan, as he was trying to follow the both of us.

"Mom, I want to go with daddy," Gohan complained as he looked at his father's departing back, leaving the house.

"They're just outside, let the two grown-ups talk. It's about time for a little math lesson, come with me." Chi-chi carried Gohan away, Gohan's expression fell—he clearly hated these math lessons but he didn't go against her.


"Kakarot, you aren't strong enough, and I can't control my strength. I need help control my power, you can help me get this under control. I can teach you how to fly and I can help you raise your strength."

I didn't want to spar with Goku, it would be like a full-grown man fighting a toddler. There was no contest in it at all.

"Being able to fly would be really useful, and I have no problem helping you control and get a grasp on your strength." Goku didn't even think about it and agreed. I was benefiting a lot from this, even more so than Goku; after all, these are the things he would learn anyway.

"Perfect! Then let's start." While we were preparing, I asked Goku if he had forgotten his brother since he spoke like he didn't. Of course, before he answered, I already knew the answer to my own question.

Goku recalled that when he woke up as a kid, he had a terrible headache. I told him that he probably hit his head and forgot everyone he knew before. We didn't talk about it much, but the impression he had of me would set the stage for the other Saiyans he would meet later.

When he first met Raditz, he didn't have a good impression of the Saiyans after that encounter. We began our training, we sat on the grass and he told me to close my eyes and focus. I had left my scouter in the house on the table, so I couldn't use it.

The day was passing by quickly, and Goku told me I could stay at his home or he could show me another place to stay. I opted for the other place, that house was just too small to stay in. Goku called his flying nimbus over and we flew to another location.

Before going to my place of residence, we stop by a body of water and caught some fish. The place he took me was where his grandpa Gohan used to live, where he use to live. I was amazed, I really liked it here, it was plain and simple.

I caught extra fish, he said he wanted to bring some home for Chi-chi to cook tomorrow. We started a fire and proceeded to cook and eat fish afterward. I already found that I was starting to learn how to use Ki- Control, and Ki Senses in one day. My comprehension was surprisingly really good.

I reckon that within a week I would have fully mastered both. After eating, Goku took his leave on his Nimbus. I decided that I would teach him how to fly tomorrow.


The next day rolled around and just when I was about to leave my house, Goku was already outside waiting. "Man, you sleep for a long time, it about time you woke up. I already went hunting for breakfast, haha!"

"You mean, you woke up too early, right?" Who was he fooling, did he even sleep last night? I was surprised to see that he caught an actual dinosaur, and he was roasting it! Well, I've never had dinosaur meat, I wonder how it would taste? Goku even brought over some seasoning from his home, it was the seasoning that Chi-chi used often.

This meat took time to cook, so I decided to teach him how to fly. It wasn't hard for Goku to learn this after explaining it to him and showing him. Within 2 hours, he was flying like it was nothing, but this wasn't surprising to me; this guy was a genius when it came to martial arts.

"Wow, I won't need my Flying Nimbus anymore!" Goku exclaimed happily, but somewhere else, his flying nimbus was probably crying.

I also explained to him that the best to boost his strength—was with the use of gravity. Goku would only find out about the use of gravity after training on King Kai's planet. He listened to every word I said, I told him when a Saiyan is training under pressure—is when they progress swiftly.

Goku understood that he was one of these Saiyans, but he still found it hard to believe. It would seem that the only people that could convince him would be Master Roshi, who knew good and well about Goku's origin from Gohan.

After literally eating a whole T-rex, we started my training again. He told me other things, and I listened, it felt like everything around turned black and I was only sitting there with my eyes closed.

My training was improving greatly, and fast at that.