Training and Departure!

King Kai talked to the both of us, he had asked if we were twins. I flat out told him that we weren't, he wondered how that was possible. I had a terrible feeling that this question was going to be thrown my way often in the future.

King Kai wanted us to tell him jokes before being able to accept his training. I told him that I was going to restore his planet, this was for him training us. I wasn't good at telling jokes, so I could only do him this favor.

King Kai was on board with it, getting his planet restore was a great deal in his book. Thus, we didn't have to take any test, nor did we have to tell him any jokes.

Before we got started, I took my armor off—which left me with a full black suit, only. This suit only had one pocket, inside of this pocket lied the remote to my space pod. I put these things inside of King Kai's house.

Goku struggled with the Gravity here at first, but he quickly adapted.

The first thing King Kai was going to teach us was the [Kaio-Ken Technique]. King Kai grabbed both our hands, then strange hot energy started flowing into our bodies. This was a God-like Technique, it couldn't just be learned from watching; this was sort of an active force to stimulate the technique with this energy.

King Kai displayed the technique for us and explained what it could do. He explained the pros and cons of the Technique. Of course, I already knew all of this, but I still listened to his explanation on it.

King Kai told us to give it a try, we failed at first but we could still feel that strange energy.

"No need to rush, keep trying and you'll get it." King Kai watched us as he clasped his hand behind his back.

Me and Goku nodded seriously and continued to awaken the Kaio-Ken Technique. This wasn't the hardest to learn among King Kai's Techniques, so I figured we'd get it down in no time.

Goku felt the change in gravity when he got here, it was a bit too much for him at first. But when Goku felt it, he finally understood what Turles was talking about when it came to gravity training. Once he was back on Earth, he would definitely seek out Bulma or her dad to make a gravity training room.

I myself couldn't agree more, it only took Goku around 7 days of training when he was going to Namek to get so strong. If I were to utilize a Gravity Room, I was certain my strength would skyrocket.

As it stands now, I was working on my Technique but I felt I was neglecting my strength. Once I was done with Yardrat, I was going to devote myself to training more. I just needed to get over the hurdle—that was Cell's saga to feel relaxed.

Leisure time always passed very quickly. When we got engrossed, we forgot the number of days that had passed. At this time, we had already learned the Kaio-Ken Technique, but the time that passed was only a week.

It took me 2 days to learn the Kaio-Ken, and a day later—Goku learned it. Goku and was doing the standard workout before going to learn the next Technique from King Kai. We often practiced the Kaio-Ken and as I was now, It wasn't such a good idea to go times three on a whim.

My body wasn't strong enough to handle that level so easily yet. I could maintain it for a certain time, but that was it. Goku's was growth was on the rise, he didn't slack off in any way.

King Kai often complain that we were emptying out his food supply.

If I only knew instant transmission, then I could just steal food from the Snake Princess. We weren't in a rush, so after a month of practicing the Kaio-Ken—it was time for the next lesson.

The Spirit Ball wasn't that different from the Spirit Bomb. The Spirit Bomb came in many sizes depending on the energy you gathered from others or your own. This attack was able to do kill evil individuals or hurt them badly if they were hit with it.

Omega Shenron, Buu, and Frieza suffered under these attacks with Frieza being wounded badly from it. It wounded his strength level badly—bringing his power level that was originally 200 million max, down to 120 million max. Though, I could be wrong and his actual max power level might still be 120 million.

King Kai began to teach us the Spirit Bomb Technique, he explained and demonstrated it to us. Goku originally learned these Techniques fast in the series, he just stayed at King Kai's to boost his Power level under the Gravity.

I was so excited about this Kaio-Ken Technique the most. Though, it would be useless once I became a Super Saiyan. However, it would become useful again once I became a Super Saiyan God.

We began our practice of the Spirit Bomb Technique. During the night, we slept outside in a few tents King Kai gave us. He had these prepared for when people came to his place to learn from him.

Time passed as usual, in my spare time I would ask King Kai about a few things. Particularly, about the entities known as the God of Destruction. King Kai's expression turned grave hearing about the God of Destruction, he didn't want to talk about that fella.

I changed the subject and asked him about a certain group of pirates. He told me he had sealed these villains with the help of the other Kai's. Of course, we were talking about Bojack and his gang, it turns out that they really were sealed away in this timeline or reality.

I wasn't really sure, I just wanted to get stronger and survive. I already had my plan laid out for what I needed to do to achieve that. Gohan also shouldn't slack, I had to convince Chi-chi to not hold him back.

The days went by fast, the Spirit Bomb had already been learned by us. King Kai kept talking about his planet being restored, and not to forget it. My strength didn't rise so much because the gravity here didn't really benefit me much.

However, to Goku, this gravity served him justice in his growth. He loved it but I wasn't planning on staying that long. I wanted to head off to the next best thing since time was pressing against me, I felt.

I was expecting to stay here longer but I didn't expect my comprehension to be so good. My power level had gone up to 32,200, I check it with my scouter. I loved reading the numbers accurately with this device. Those twins were smart, they set the scouter limit to read up to 1 million. I kept it on me, always, it was always on my face just for show...and even tell.

"Turles, don't forget about me and my planet, you promised me." King Kai kept talking about it. He was wary that I would forget, but I don't forget easily. I told him to wait two to three years and his planet would be restored.

At this point, we had already stayed here for 4 months. Goku had thoughts of wanting to stay longer, but he remembered that Bulma and her dad could just build him a Gravity Machine for practice.

"Goku, you destroyed my car, don't think I forgot about that!" King Kai pointed a Goku face at point-blank.

"Awe, but I said I was sorry, King Kai. Have the heart to forgive me just this once." Goku put his hand up in a prayer-like clasp and said while pleading.

"Hmph! Be careful next time, to fix that car is going to cost me big time."

"Hey, King Kai, can you communicate with Kami and tell him to pick us up at Yemma's place? We should be there within 3 to 4 hours or so." Of course, Yemma could just send us back but having Kami do it wasn't so bad either.

King Kai said to give him a second, and within a few seconds, it was done.

After confirming his answers, we flew off his planet. We gave him our farewells before disappearing out of his sight.

"Those two are quick learners, no one's learned my Techniques that fast." King Kai sighed but his attention was quickly brought to the thought of having his planet restored in the future.

"Well, I guess I'll wait and see..." King Kai turned and walked into his house with pets following behind him.


Me and Goku flew quickly through the skies, our speed should allow us to make it to King Yemma's place within an hour or an hour and a half.

Things didn't go as I expected, I was expected to spend a year at King Kai's place. Goku had already planned to go to Bulma's house to request a Gravity Machine to be made. Eventually, we passed the Snake Princess' Palace and made it to King Yemma earlier than expected.

"Wow, your training is done that quick? Did something happen?" These were the first words that Kami spoke to us.

"Hmm, what could happen? King Kai taught and trained us in his Martial Art ways." Goku was the first to speak.

"Sound right to me, let's go." Kami didn't question any further, as we made our way back.

Once we arrived back on Earth, I was given the things I left behind. Goku and Me left the lookout, I was heading back to my 'home' while he went to Bulma's house. Once I had returned, I pulled out my Space Pod remote and called it over to my location.

"When I first came here, there were large fish in the river. I even saw large crabs, but I didn't catch any to eat." These crap's size defied logic, they were monstrous-sized creatures—I had to catch and eat one!

Before going to grab something to eat, I place my armor inside of my residence. Right as I walked out, my Space Pod came flying over, then it hovered in front of me. I brought the Space Pod to the side of my residence before placing the remote inside of my residence.

Soon after, I started to collect large bulks of dried bark and leaves. This would incite making a fire much easier. Goku was busy explaining the whole gravity thing, I told him it was best to have Bulma's dad make it.

He didn't catch on to the fact that I somehow knew about these people, so I didn't bother with explaining it. Once I collected all the things I needed—I place them in front of my house in a large pile.

"Time to go hunting!" My mouth was drooling just thinking about it; those large crabs would surely taste amazing. They would taste better with butter and lemon, but I didn't have any of those, so I could only eat one normally.

Once I was at the lake, I dove in; reaching the depths of the lake. I caught a few large fish that tried to swallow me whole on the way. The crabs were still there, I grabbed one and dragged it to the surface; it tried to fight and defend itself but that all failed.

Its claws were bigger than my body, it was just massive overall.

"You should fit well over the fire, hahahaha!" I shot a small beam at the dried leaves and wood, which started a fire. I didn't kill the crab but I did injure it, so it couldn't move like it wanted to. I toss on the small fire and went back to the lake to get the large fish I left onshore.

I pulled up a chair and relaxed until my food was ready.

"Oh, yeah, the Dragonball world is amazing; what a good place." This was only for now, the real trouble had yet to start, well, the endless trouble had yet to start.