Seven Days Of Training!

The minute I walked in I spotted a spacious area. This spacious area was blocked off by a thick glass pane and a large metal wall. To gain access to that spacious area, you needed to go through another door. Underneath the thick glass pane window were several mechanical devices and buttons that could be seen.

I immediately recognized this area as the Gravity room. The mechanical devices and buttons were to control the amount of Gravity, it could even initiate a little training droid that would attack you while under the Gravitational conditions.

"How in the world did he make all of this in 2 months?!" I was truly dumbfounded, he must have had some outside help with all of this.

To my left when I first walked inside, which was the place Goku had gone off to for the moment—was where the kitchen and sleeping quarters were located. The right side of when you first walked in, led to the bathroom area.

Everything was mostly black and white in here. After looking around the place for about 10 minutes, I was overjoyed with these conditions.

"This is the Training room, we can start our training at any time!" Goku spoke, then he looked at the buttons. Dr. Brief had explained a lot to him about the machine, but Goku forgot most of it.

However, he remembered the important things.

My gaze wandered over the machine, it was a good thing I could read the language of this world now. The words that were written on it said [Gravity Simulation Machine]. There were modes to this when it came to the gravity settings—with them being, x5, x10, x20, x30, x50, x70, and x100.

Seven Gravity settings—

This was times the Gravity of the planet Earth. This was the most spacious area on the ship, so we both could train in here. It was voice command, it could even sense when the person who was training—was in danger and would shut off.

This was a Safety Protocol of some sort. Yeah, he definitely had to have had help making this, there was no way he could make all of this alone!

In any case, Goku looked eager to get started and we did just that. We tested the waters by putting it on 5 times the gravity of the Earth. This was nothing to me but Goku struggled a bit under this Gravity because he had worn weights. I knew this was only the beginning, and I would soon be under pressure as well when the Gravity was set higher—minus the weights.

I told him that those weren't necessary and he got rid of them.

Thus, our intense training officially began, I was very motivated to train. I couldn't wait to become a Super Saiyan for the first time in the future. Boosting your Battle Power made it easier, but weaker Saiyans could still become Super Saiyans under certain conditions.

Goku and Turles trained continuously throughout the day, nonstop. Sit-up, Push-up, pull-ups, punches, kicks, and shadow boxing under pressure. Within the same day, they boosted the Gravity to x10. They only trained with x5 the gravity for under half the day before switching to this setting.


With just a day of training, we could feel that our strength had improved dramatically. When I was human working out at a Gym—this was completely unthinkable. Well, we didn't have Ki and weren't Saiyans, so this was mainly the reason.

I didn't know my exact level on the numeric scale, but that was for another time. After training, we rushed to the kitchen to eat. We were sweating as if we had stood in the rain all day. The food was in capsules, so they were already made for us. I really had to thank that Dr. Brief's guy, he really went out of his way for Goku!

After talking to Goku, he explained that he never told anyone about him. I was surprised, this guy always ran his mouth off—either by mistake or on purpose. I really didn't care if they knew about me at this point, they would find out sooner or later. Goku said what he said to Bulma and Dr. Brief—that found that alien technology(The Scouter) after fighting and defeating him.

My mouth twitched a bit, who would believe that? However, Brief and Bulma took it seriously as she started to study the scouter. She found that it was indeed alien tech, so Goku's story checked out to them.

After eating like pigs, I went to wash myself up. My armor and undersuit were all sweaty, so I needed to clean them somehow. I only brought one set of armor and cleaned them using the water down by the river.

Unfortunately, this wasn't a good way to clean clothes, I needed actual cleaning products. I sat my armor aside, for now, I left all my cleaning supplies on my main ship in space. Perhaps I could ask Chi-chi later to clean them, she did have her means.

After a refreshing shower, I went to my bed and crashed. I was gone the minute I landed, I was truly tired after training all day—Goku was no different.


The next day rolled around but we didn't wake up right away, we stayed asleep for a while longer. At noon, we both got up and stretched before throwing on a fresh set of clothes. This time, I had to wear my [Goku Black] outfit because my armor was dirty and sweaty.

"Wow, I think this outfit suits you better than that armor you always wear," Goku said right after he saw me fully dressed.

"Oh, really?" The boots were really comfortable, I didn't know the interior of the boots, but this was obviously Kami's doing.

"Mhm! I think you should wear this from now on." Goku nodded and said.

"In the future, yes." I still wanted to wear my Saiyan armor as my style until a later date. We quickly ate breakfast, then we started to stretch before initiating our training again.

I spent 4 months in Otherworld at King Kai's place, then it took 2 months for Brief to finish this [Gravity Training Cube Room]. There were six months left before I could use the Dragonballs again.

I wanted to use the Namekian Dragonballs to wish for some important things. First, I wanted to have the ability to speak the Divine Language. Second, I wanted the ability to teleport from Universe Six and Seven at will. Thirdly, I needed a Map of both Universes, so I could locate the Saiyan Planet in Universe 6—this would also help me find the Super Dragonball's current location.

If someone were to use them after I got the map imprint in my mind, then their positions would be changed—then it wouldn't be recorded in my memory. I would need a Dragon Radar for the Super Dragonballs at that point to find them.

Our training presumed onward through the days. I had to say that it wasn't easy, it was far worse than any training had done in my other world. As the days passed, the Gravity we trained in would rise—that wasn't the only thing that was rising, either.

During our time together, besides training, we talked about many things. For one, I talked to him about training Gohan. He was a Saiyan that had pretty good potential, but he was reduced to a nerd later because of his mom's influence.

Goku decided to stay dead after the Cell Saga, so he was left with his mom. It was too late for him at that point when he was alone with her. Thus, he would ultimately be reduced to a nerd, he even grew weaker compared to his kid self.

Goku said that Chi-chi wouldn't allow him to take Gohan away. I told him... when was the last time you really cared about what she said? Goku cared, but he didn't care that much—but still, he had to be considerate of her decisions. I understood this much, she was still the parent and felt that she was looking out for his best interest.

I could only wait until some other time, she was busy a lot these days. I could sense her moving to the city and back frequently. She naturally took Gohan, or, in some cases, she would opt to leave him with dad when she left for the city.

In a blink of an eye—a week passed by just like that. My strength had skyrocketed compared to what it was last week. Goku was no different, he clenched his fist in excitement. We both were already training in one hundred times the gravity by then.

If my scouter could no longer calculate my strength when I checked it—I could use my ship's main system to do the job for me.

"Kaio-Ken!" Goku activated Kaio-Ken during his training. We decided to start a new set of training with this simulator. These strange droids launched attacks at us under the harsh Gravity, we had to dodge and shoot energy attacks back at them.

I was already done with my set of training for today, so I cleaned up and went outside. It was best to relax instead of Training like a maniac all and every day.

Once I was outside, I stretch my arms in the air before quickly bring them back down to charge up! My body surging with energy, as I channeled it through and over my body. The ground shook beneath me—sending out a few shockwaves.



"What!? Who could be so strong, is it Goku?" Krillen, who was at Roshi's was shocked. This strength was horrifying.

"Eh... this isn't Goku, it's someone else, I fear." Roshi's expression turned serious, he was currently reading a magazine with a woman on the cover—she was wearing a bikini.

"Is it an enemy, maybe it's Piccolo!" Krillen's expression was grave, as he clenched his teeth—when suddenly, sweat appeared on it.

"I don't know, I can only hope someone like that isn't this strong or we'll have another problem on our hands." Master Roshi stood up and walked outside, he gazed into the distance. Krillen followed him, he was clearly the most worried.

"Ah, man, I can't die—I don't even have a girlfriend yet." Krillen sighed.

But what Krillen heard from Roshi next almost made him trip on his way over.

"If I were to die without being able to bury my face into some boobs and grope some a**, life would have been all for nothing." Master Roshi sighed and said seriously, he could only shake his head.

"Uh..." Krillen's forehead twitched.


"What? Impossible!" Piccolo was no different, he looked towards the location he felt that strength coming from—and was struck dumbfounded.

"That's isn't where Goku lives, but I have felt him there before along with another person's presence." Piccolo had long felt the presence of another before, but this presence had never come over to look for trouble. In fact, it stayed in that particular location all, if not, most of the time.

"Should I go check for myself?" Piccolo mumbled. But he decided not to right away, if he were attacked by someone that strong, he would surely be in trouble.

"I'll wait for now, and see what happens. There no way Goku hasn't noticed this person." Piccolo shook his head before flying away.


"Hahaha! This is only just the beginning!" Turles had no idea what ruckus he had caused among the other Z-fighters. Nevertheless, he was happy with his results in the end—this was a major step for him.

Goku walked out after a short time.

"I should probably go check on Chi-chi, I hope she isn't raging." Goku smiled faintly, as he looked off into the distance.

"I'll follow you, let's go." I wanted to see what she would do with all that money, this should be interesting.

We both flew up and shot off into the distance.