Raditz's Shock!

My training continued over the months, at this point, four months had gone and passed. It wasn't easy establishing a network and learning this Spirit Link Technique. It took me these four months to learn it, which was alright in my book.

I still continued to battle my clones with the Multi-form Technique. One may ask, what's so different about Earth and Yardrat's Multi-form Techniques, aren't they the same? The answer is yes and no, they both used clones, however, Yardrat's version maintained the same strength as the main body.

This was because Yardrat's version Divided Spirit, while the Earth's Multi-form Divided Ki. Dividing Ki made the clones weaker because they were, well, Dividing their Ki up. At first, I didn't know why Yardrat's version made them retain the same strength, but I understood immediately after.

I knew it was better than Earth's, but I didn't know how until Pybara explained it to me. My strength had increased as well. I knew that the Gravity machine had yet to reach the greatest compacity it possibly could.

After all, Vegeta trained with 450 times the Gravity of Earth to quickly boost his strength. Dr. Brief still needed more time to create something of this caliber. I reckon that he should be trying to do something about that now—if he isn't working on a new Medical Machine.

Vegeta became a Super Saiyan from anger and not caring anymore, he trained with the thought of surpassing Goku. He trained hard, but no matter what, he still couldn't accomplish it until that moment he stopped caring.

In any case, I started to create my own Spirit network. I could bring on two people from the start, but I needed to get into physical contact with them first.

I sighed and kept with what I was doing, but every now and then, my mind would wander. I remembered my girlfriend from my old world, that beauty, and even my parents.

This made me think of getting another girlfriend. There were many beauties on Earth to choose from, but which one? I probably couldn't settle until my enemies were defeated and down for good.

The next Technique was some Illusion Art, this ability in its lowest would last for 2 minutes. It was called Illusion Pulse, when it was being used, it was unseen to the naked eye for most people.

This illusion Technique was also a challenge to learn, but with great effort, I learned it in 2 months. I didn't start learning the next move right away, I went on to the practice with the ones I'd already learned here recently.

I could be considered to have been using Spirit Control now. I was shifting and splitting my spirit with the use of my Techniques. Pybara told me that my strength was greater than my spirit, so I needed to gain balance between both. They weren't that far apart, but he said that my strength should rise faster in the future—if I could succeed.

With his help, I started to work on this. This would also help my Spirit Link grow in strength, this would enable me to add more people by then. At the rate my strength was growing, perhaps I could fight Frieza soon and finish him off.

I tried using Instant Transmission by trying to sense Goku on Earth, but he was just too far and out of my reach. Even Goku couldn't sense that far when he first learned Instant Transmission. He was stronger than the current me at that time as well, so how could I?

I focused on building my spirit with the help of Pyabara for a full 6 months! A year had already passed since I left Earth, and it took this long to build balance between both. At least I knew what I had to do to keep the balance in the future.

I would say that it was time for me to leave, but I still had yet to learn the fifth Technique. My strength had increased again, so I checked my ship's scanner at the time to see how big of an increase it was.

I now had a Power Level of 1.92 Million, it wasn't that big but I really didn't train my power level. This visit was all about me learning Techniques, it was also about a few more things.

In any case, I had to choose the next Technique to learn. There were several, one was called Giganticfication, I obviously knew about this one.

There was another skill called Space Tear, this would allow me to mark a place I wanted to goto—from A to B at any time. As you expect, I could open more points the more it was trained like most Techniques.

This Space Tear would remain open until the one who made it, closes it. This Technique wasn't easy to learn, and it would take about 2 years to learn. This Technique wasn't that simple, and I definitely didn't have 2 years to waste here, for now.

I decided to stay for another 2 months to train more, but at that point, I was ready to bounce out of this place. My strength had reached a solid 2 million, my excitement couldn't be described but this was far off from what I could be. Once I remembered those more powerful enemies and rivals, my excitement died off quickly.

'Sigh, no more training until I get to Earth. I should head to Namek and see If I can get my Potential awakened. If it's enough, then I should go find and fight Frieza. I'm different from the original Turles, so I should be able to gain their acceptance.'

I didn't learn my fifth Technique, but I promised that I would be back here in the future. It would be right around the time the Cell Saga ended, or after my journey to U6. Namek was an important stop because of its Dragonballs.

During the 7 year time period, I could learn as much as possible here. I had other plans, though. They were far more important and interesting than anything I've ever thought of. Furthermore, I believed that this plan was the easiest way to unlock Super Saiyan 4.

I smiled, if everything worked out like I was planning it—then my accomplishments would be limitless. I gave my farewells and thanks to Pybara for teaching me, I told him that I would be back sooner than he thought.

He told me to come once I was stronger, which would be soon, I believed. They gave me 10 sets of Yardratian outfits before I left the place, since I requested them. Yes, I liked to collect clothing that I found interesting to wear.

And just like that, I left Yardrat to my final Destination, Namek.

On my journey towards Namek, I didn't bother to train and opted to relax instead. It would only take me 3 days to reach Namek.

"Ah, I may as well watch Hunter Killer 2, this is the latest version for this movie series." I inserted the disc and took a seat on the couch, as it started.



At this time, a space pod could be seen breaking through the atmosphere. The speed of the space pod didn't slow down when it crashed into the ground, creating a large denting crater.

This space pod could only belong to one person, it could be no one else but Raditz.

The first thing he spotted was a farmer holding a shotgun, who told him to get off his property.

"What's this, hmm..." Raditz scanned the farmer, but he only had a power level of 5.

"Merely a weakling!" Raditz sneered, the inhabitants of this world were truly pathetic.

"I-I told you, don't come any closer! You better get out of here, I know how to use this thing! I'll shoot!" The farmer was making all sorts of expressions, this man just came from the sky, or was it from outer space?!

Raditz smirked but he didn't say anything and took a step forward.


The farmer fired his shotgun, however, Raditz lifted his hand and caught the shotgun shell before it could spread.

"W-what?!" Shock filled the farmer's expression, as sweat dripped from his face. His face paled, how could someone stop a shotgun shot?!

"Catch!" Raditz flicked his thumb, then the bullet from before came bursting out of his hand, and into the farmer's body.

"Hmph!" Raditz snorted looking at the dead farmer before his scouter went off.

Beep! 322

Beep! 500

This time, two readings came up instead of one.

"Five hundred? That must be Kakarot, there's no way around it!" Raditz smiled and flew off into that direction, he ignored the other battle power for now.

Raditz gazed over the planet's landscape, he had to say—this planet had some fine soil and air compared to other places he had visited. However, he didn't think about this long, this was just going to be another planet sold on the market soon.

Raditz didn't fly long, he was currently flying over a body of water. His destination had come into view, he spotted a house that sat on the water. It was strangely a pink house with three tropical trees around it.

This was clearly Master Roshi's house.

Raditz could see many figures on this little beach-like private island. He eyed one of the individuals on the beach and knew he had come to the right place. The person his attention was on, was already looking in his direction, his expression seemed calm with no worries on it.

Raditz landed on the beach, however, Goku may be calm but that wasn't so for everyone else. The people present were the same people from the original, Bulma, Roshi, Krillen, and Gohan... Etc.

"Indeed, you've grown up well." Raditz was actually pretty amazed at how strong Goku had gotten on a backwater planet like Earth. Even if he was Saiyan, this was simply too hard to accomplish on such a weak planet.

"You must be Raditz, I've been expecting you. I heard you would come this year, but I wasn't sure what day or month." Goku was a little speechless, he had arrived on the day he decided to leave home and visit his friends—in order to show off his son.

"Expecting me?" Raditz wasn't surprised by that, but he was surprised by the fact that Goku knew he going to show up this year.

How was that possible?

Goku got a good look at Raditz, his armor was similar to Turles', but he was far from his strength. Raditz's strength reminded him of that little green guy Turles had him fight back then. That same little green guy was still hanging around Turles' house to this day.

"Goku, do you know this man?" Bulma was stunned hearing them speak as if they knew each other. Goku was still studying Raditz's face, he found that there were little similarities between him and Raditz but not nearly enough similarities.

"Yeah, he's supposedly my brother," Goku said with a serious expression, his eyes never left Raditz. Raditz's eye met with his, he always had that same stiff smirk across his face.


"No way!"


"Kakarot, it looks like you failed your mission. These humans are still alive and kicking around this planet." Since he 'remembered him,' he naturally remembered his mission in coming here.

Of course, Raditz was only assuming that this was his mission for coming to this planet, but this wasn't the case in reality.

"I'm not destroying or killing anyone, you came here to recruit me but I won't be joining you. But...If you beat me, then I'll come with you." Goku frowned before putting up his guard, preparing for a fight.

"Very well, then, you chose the hard way in this." Raditz sneered.

"Daddy!" Gohan called out when he saw what was going on, he could sense that this Raditz guy wasn't here with good intentions.

"Gohan, stay back and watch carefully. Watch and learn." Goku turned to Gohan with absolutely no worries in his eyes.

"T-this guy is powerful, can you handle this guy?" Krillen knew this guy was powerful when he approached, he didn't seem as dumb as he was in the original. This could be because he found out that Raditz was Goku's Brother before getting tossed away by his tail again.

Raditz made his move, he was completely unseen by everyone else, but Goku could see his movements in slow motion and perfectly at that.

Raditz flashed in front of Goku and sent a quick knee towards his stomach. However, before it could connect, it was blocked by Goku. Raditz's eyes went wide from surprise and all at once, his scouter revealed a new number.

Right as he was reading them, he received a knee in the stomach from Goku. This impact was so strong, that he coughed up a mouth full of saliva before he was sent flying into the sea.

"Incredible!" Krillen clenched his fist in excitement seeing Goku win with one decisive attack.

"That's our Goku, always coming out on top!" Bulma jumped and cheered as well.

Master Roshi looked at Goku's back, he could only sigh. This boy has come a long way, Roshi had lived a long time and had seen many things.

Goku dove into the water to retrieve Raditz, only to find that he had blacked out from that knee strike earlier. The strength difference was apparent, far too apparent. Raditz didn't even get to explain the whole Saiyan story before he was knocked out!

What shocked Raditz was—the fact that Goku blocked his knee strike with a finger, his index finger. Then Raditz saw something else that threw his mind into shabbles, he was sure he knew his numbers well, but he found that number completely unbelievable.

500 had turned into 5,000!

Where did that other damn zero come from? Raditz had thought this to himself, as he sunk into darkness.