Assassin from the Void!

Time passed, at this point, three months had already gone by since Turles' ascension to Super Saiyan.


On a planet far east within the Universe, there were many forces gathered here. They all wore armor with helmets, they all wore Scouters over their eyes. Some of these warriors wore arm cannons while standing guard.

There was a luxurious palace in this location. This planet also had many ships and docking areas, there were many people leaving and going at all times.

Inside a secluded room away from the many soldiers who patrol and guarded the area, there were three figures present here.

One of the men had baby blue skin with green hair, he had feminine qualities to him. However, one shouldn't be fooled by his peaceful appearance; this fellow was quite sinister in his ways.

Next to him sat a shorter individual, but other than him there was another person besides this guy. He had pink skin with a hard spiky head where normally, hair would be. He a chubby figure with spiky forearms, he had a grim expression right now.

These two could be none other than Zarbon and Dodoria.

Between these two was the 'big man' himself, Frieza! He was all frowned up for some reason, but he and everyone else knew why.

They all seemed to be waiting for something, to be exact, someone. That's when they heard knocking at the large majestic door.

"Come in." Zarbon said nonchalantly.

With those words, a Frieza soldier came in to report a few things. This particular guy worked for a certain corp that kept watch over everything related to the Scouters and Frieza's territory. The scouter part was related to what was recorded on them during missions. This was especially so when it came to monitoring the Saiyans for any vengeful actions or plots.

"L-lord Frieza, we have all the r-reports." The soldier spoke in a shivery tone. He didn't want to be the one to come and report this, but he was the weakest, so he was forced.

"Out with it, my time is precious! Make sure you tell me in detail, you should even have some recording." Frieza's voice was filled with coldness, he knew what was going on but he wanted details on the situation.

"S-sir, we—"

"Do you want to die? Speak up clearly, so we can hear it!" Zarbon glared at the soldier, he was studdering on his words, how could anyone make out what he was saying?

"S-sorry, I'll speak loud and clear!" Thus, the soldier began to relay what had happened recently over in the past few months. Frieza was stunned, then shocked before it all turned into fury. Zarbon and Dodaria's hearts shook, this was a clear provocation.

The event that occurred—was a sudden attack on Frieza's planets. Some planets had other inhabitants on them, other than his soldiers. These Planets were invaded, at least that what they believed at first. The regular inhabitants on these planets were ignored by the attacker.

However, it was only one guy that appeared and started killing Frieza's army. The man also had the audacity to call it an exercise before doing it. Furthermore, he called Frieza a degenerate bald Mutant lizard!

As for those Planets that consisted of nothing but military personnel; they were all bombed and destroyed. Not all of Frieza's planets were attacked, but this person had destroyed more than 20 planets!

Frieza knew this was happening all along, but no one could record the guy because their Scouters would explode when he appeared. Though they couldn't see him for themselves via recording, they had a description of him, as he had left a few soldiers alive on purpose.

Once Frieza found out that it was a Saiyan, he so furious that he laughed. Dodoria and Zarbon's expressions were a bit unsightly seeing this. Even they were feeling chills at this moment, but the soldier was even more fearful.

"A Saiyan! Tell me, does Vegeta have anything to do with this?" Frieza smiled and asked the soldier calmly.

"I-I don't believe so. One of his companions was sent to Earth to retrieve his brother. However, he was defeated there with his life and death unknown. Vegeta and Nappa had speculated that he was taken hostage by the inhabitants."

"Earth? Isn't that one of the really weak planets? He was defeated and taken hostage there?" Zarbon knitted his eyebrows, were these Saiyans this useless?

"Just another monkey dead if you ask me." Dodoria smiled and tried to lighten things up with a joke.

"Dodoria, as much as a joke may seem good now, it isn't fitting of the situation." Frieza kept his eyes on the soldier, which caused the soldier to break out in a cold sweat.

Frieza seemed to be in deep thought, just how many Saiyans escaped? Were there more? There was Vegeta, Nappa, that long-haired Saiyan, his brother, and now some Saiyan was running rampant with ill intentions against him.

"He had a battle strength that could destroy Scouters; that's beyond 20,000 battle power guaranteed. I have my doubts that any of those soldiers would have a chance, include you two."

Frieza had some doubts that even Zarbon and Dodoria couldn't handle this Saiyan. To Frieza, this was a loose end that needed to be dealt with quickly.

"....." Dodoria didn't know what to say and remained quiet.

"Lord Frieza, what do you suggest we do?" Zarbon asked in a respectful tone.

"Hmm, you, what did Vegeta do in response to one of his being captured on Earth?" Frieza's gazed landed back on the soldier.

"Vegeta didn't care. He even said that—if he was alive he would kill him for being such a disgrace. Vegeta also said that he would start his journey to that planet next year to check it out." The soldier didn't hide anything, they didn't report these things at first because it wasn't important. In fact, it was good news that one of the Saiyans had died supposedly.

"I thought so, Vegeta could care less about his people." Frieza completely believed this. He would execute one of his without blinking, and go about his day as if nothing had happened.

"In that case, Zarbon, heed my orders. I want you to call the Ginyu Force and have them find and execute the Saiyan on Earth. Afterward, kill all of the inhabitants on that planet. I don't want these Saiyans to unite, it could be troublesome later."

A sinister smiled appeared across Frieza's face, it was better to stop them from uniting and forming a group later. His plan in past was to have the rest of the Saiyan slowly wither away with each mission, and it had been successful. They had died over time, leaving only three Saiyans left amongst the many before.

"T-this..." Zarbon and Dodoria were stunned.

Freiza wanted to send the Ginyu Force to attack a weak planet like Earth?

Wasn't that overkill?

"Is there something wrong? Why haven't you left to relay my orders yet?" Frieza gave Zarbon the side-eye.

"Ah, right, I'll get it done!" Zarbon hurriedly and left the throne room.

Frieza's actions were decisive, he wanted to attack with his full power to uproot this Saiyan. Just look at what one of these Monkeys had done, he leveled several of his planets alone. Only Saiyans could dare be so brazen against him.

"You, you did well. Dodoria, please ensure that this little soldier here is rewarded." Frieza waved his hand before standing up and walking towards the window.

"Uh, right. You, you come with me. It looks like you'll be getting a promotion." Dodoria said indifferently. However, the soldier was jumping with joy in his heart, what seemed to be misfortune had turned into fortune.

'Hehe, I'd like to see if you can bully me around later, you scumbags!' The soldier laughed in his heart. Those people had forced him to come and report this news, which could have ended up with him being executed.


News quickly spread amongst the soldiers, spies, guards, and mercenaries. Earth became the hot topic, Frieza was sending the Ginyu Force to Earth!

Everyone was shocked.

A planet that didn't even have a powerful fighter with a battle strength of five-hundred had caused Frieza to unleash a deadly force upon it.

What in god's name was going on?! Everyone thought.


Meanwhile, Zarbon was presently inside a private communications room. He radioed the Ginyu Force and they picked up right away.

"What? Frieza wants us to search for some weakling, then kill off the inhabitants of the planet." Ginyu looked stunned through the monitor, wouldn't he normally send those Saiyans or mercenaries to do such a task?

"It's Frieza's decision, you'll receive his orders about it in detail." Zarbon was also stunned about this, but he didn't show it.

The soldier from before was given the job to send all of the details to the Ginyu Force.

Zarbon could hear some music in the background—that's when he saw Jeice and Burter. They were dancing to the music, along with Recoome. Zarbon's eye twitched, at some point, Captain Ginyu had asked him if he wanted to join his force.

Zarbon immediately refused, while Recoome insisted.

"That's all you needed to know, you guys should head out now. You'll receive information on this case on your way there." Zarbon didn't say anything more and closed the com channel.

"We still have to worry about this Saiyan, where is he hiding? These Monkeys were always so troublesome when it came destruction and now, even hiding." Zarbon sighed to himself, this guy really managed to anger Frieza.

"Psst...who is hiding? I'm right here." A whisper vibrated through Zarbon's ear, but before he could turn around due to being stunned—he felt a sharp pain in his back and chest.

"Ugh!" Zarbon slowly looked down to see that an Energy weapon of some sort had appeared out his chest. What followed next was him coughing up a mouth full of blood, his eyes were wide from untold shock.

How could he had not detected this intruder? The scouter never told him anything, why?!

"See ya, Zarbon. I'll send you off now, but don't worry—Freiza will join you soon." The shadow removed the weapon from Zarbon's body before quickly slashing it across the back of his neck.

Zarbon's head flew straight into the air, his head spun around mid-lift and he looked at his killer with wide eyes. It was the Saiyan, he could see that he had a deep grin across his face. However, he couldn't look long, as he descended into darkness forever.


Meanwhile, Frieza was alone until Dodoria came in.

"The soldier was promoted, he's sending the full report to the Ginyu Force as we speak." Dodoria bowed slightly and said.

"Good! I think we should recall Vegeta and Nappa as well. I would like a word with them on this matter...hmm—" Just as Frieza was speaking, the void shook beside him, but only for a second.

At that moment, a purple light full of killing might came flying toward his head. Frieza didn't have time to feel surprised, he ducked and dodged. However, one of his horns was cut off, when the blade extended and cut off his tail while he was rolling!

Frieza rolled and flipped out of the way in horror. He immediately started transforming to combat this foe.

Dodoria looked on with wide eyes, his mouth hanging down in shock at this scene.

Bright light filled the room due to Frieza's Transformation!

Things were getting serious now!