Incoming Threats!

Currently, I was heading towards a planet I had heard about recently. This planet was talked about often amongst the Frieza corp members after its recent discovery. Strangely enough, this planet was in the sector of earth and it wasn't far from it.

During my time wreaking havoc on Frieza's planets and forces, I was also trying to unlock the other forms. These forms were my Super forms, or to put more simply—my Super Saiyan Grades. I reckon that it shouldn't take long to unlock one but to unlock them all, it might take a little longer.

"I'll just have to use the Hyperbolic time chamber later in the future. Let me continue mastering Super Saiyan, my strength is improving greatly."

My strength was going up with each fight that I had, which stunned me. I wasn't sure if this was a special ability, but I was sure that the Zenkai Boost didn't work in this way. That fight with Frieza greatly improved my strength.

"It's already been four days since I killed Frieza, the Frieza force must be going crazy." I laughed imagining their faces, they deserved it for how they oppressed the Saiyans. But the Saiyans weren't innocent either, but it wasn't any of their business to deal with us.

I continued to eat and practice my Ki-Control to form a decently long Blade for combat. I mainly meditated alone and rarely did any physical training.

The planet I was heading towards was called Aldnoah. I should arrive at the planet in approximately, two hours.

"May as well watch a movie and relax, as usual." I went over towards the couch as always and sat down. These channels had their fair share of good movies, it even had those 'types of movies' and shows; if you know what I mean.


Unknown sector in Space.

While Turles was relaxing, others that knew about Frieza's death couldn't. This was either due to surprise, anger, joy, etc. Many felt some kind of way about Frieza's death, and it was at the hands of the race he oppressed the most—a Saiyan!

While others were shocked, some were feeling rather joyful about the news after hearing it.

"Unbelievable, Frieza died at the hands of some unknown Saiyan?" Vegeta was shocked after receiving a long message about this.

"Frieza's dead, and he was killed by one of ours. This must be the best day of my life to hear this!" Nappa clenched his fist with a grin so wide that it revealed all of his teeth.

"I don't know all of the details, they just said a Saiyan killed Frieza. This means that there are others that survived the destruction of our homeworld. There was some soldier that recorded the whole thing, but the video was sent to all bases to be reviewed for confirmation."

Vegeta stood up with a serious expression, he wanted to see exactly how Frieza died and who killed him.

"Vegeta, you don't mean..." Nappa seemed confused at first, but he started to understand what Vegeta was hinting at.

"That's right Nappa, we'll be heading towards a base near here to get a good look at the video. If anyone stands in our way, we'll simply destroy them." How could Vegeta not know that they were going to make things hard on them, it was a Saiyan that caused this problem, after all.

Vegeta was excited and annoyed at the same time, he wanted to kill Frieza himself. However, it was also good that Frieza was now dead.

"It's time, Nappa." Vegeta silently pointed to his own scouter before removing it. Nappa understood what he was hinting at and took his off as well.

With a click of a button, their Scouters were shut off.

"We'll head there, but on our way there—make sure you remove the tracker and recorder within your scouter. If Frieza is really dead, then we should break off from Frieza's forces from now on." Vegeta grinned and said resolutely.

"Uh, right, okay, let's go find out for ourselves." Nappa nodded and also stood up, then they went over toward their space pods to leave the planet.

Within two days, they arrived at the nearest post and landed there.

"V-Vegeta and Nappa?" The old man was stunned, he looked like a human. He had gray hair and a beard due to his age.

"Haha, that's right. We're here to investigate, we want answers! You better answer us correctly old man, or else." Nappa grinned and threatened the old man right as he was exiting his pod.

The old man shuddered after hearing Nappa's threat, along with the sight of his sinister grin.

"W-What do you want to know?" The old man asked

"Cut the crap, you know what we want to know! Is Frieza really dead, or is this some kinda joke?" Vegeta glared at the old man, this was a serious matter to him.

"Y-yes, he's dead. He died at the hands of a S-saiyan." The old said as he took a few steps back. Right as he did, a group of warriors came flooding into the room with arm cannons.

"Vegeta and Nappa, it's good that you guys are here. We need to detain both of you for questioning, so don't resist." A man that appeared to be the captain said with a sneer.

"Detain us? Hahaha, I'd like to see who can detain us." Vegeta burst into laughter as he gazed over the group of warriors.

"Vegeta, these weaklings think they can detain us. That's gotta be a joke if I ever heard one, haha!" Nappa laughed mockingly looking at these soldiers.

"This is the answer I wanted to hear the most, you want to do things the hard way? Well, so do we! Take them down!" The captain pointed at Vegeta and Nappa with a commanding tone.

These warriors weren't strong, but they believe their numbers were enough to overtake the two with ease.

"Nappa, we'll kill them all!" Vegeta wasn't playing, this wasn't a game like he felt it was on Earth against Goku in the original.

Nappa's Ki flared up, a powerful lightning-like yellow Aura surged over his body before he struck out at a large number of soldiers. Vegeta was no different, he went to target the captain first, while Nappa took care of the minions.

They shot back, but it was all useless in the end.



"Mercy! Arg!"

A series of wails echoed throughout the room. Everywhere Vegeta and Nappa swung their fist, they seized someone's life. In a matter of just one minute, they had killed everyone in the room, except the old man.

The old man was shaking in terror, these Saiyans were demons to the core, he thought.

"Old man, if you don't want to die like them, you'll show us the recording of the fight with Frieza. There is no one here that's capable of defeating us, so you better cooperate.' Vegeta said coldly.

People like Cui and Dodoria were actually still alive. However, he heard that Zarbon hadn't made an appearance, which meant that he was probably dead or hiding. The old man told them most of these things, while Nappa and Vegeta listened.

They soon came to a room where there were other people working at a large computer-like system. They were nearly startled to death when they saw Nappa and Vegeta. They knew a Saiyan was the cause of all of this, the death of Frieza.

"It's here, take a look." The old man pushed a button and went to the recording. Vegeta and Nappa watched attentively, showing great interest.

"Turles!" Vegeta spoke immediately once he saw the Saiyan's face.

"Turles? Hmm..." Nappa was trying to recall this Saiyan, but he couldn't.

The destruction they were causing during their fight stunned Nappa the most. Frieza was losing badly while being taunted by Turles. After the guy recording it nearly died an uncountable amount of times, it finally happened.

Now, Vegeta was shocked!

"What is wrong with his hair, why did it change color?" Nappa looked on with confusion.

Vegeta's eyes were wide and glued to the screen.

"H-he did it! Hahaha, he became a Super Saiyan!" Vegeta laughed and blurted out.

"Super Saiyan? As in the legend?" Nappa looked at the screen again, getting a good look at Turles' appearance.

"Good, that's all I wanted to see and know." This was more than enough for Vegeta. He turned and left the room under the confused gazes of everyone, including Nappa. He understood the magnitude of a Super Saiyan, this was a serious matter. Vegeta was clenching his fist tightly, it would be a lie to say that he wasn't excited at the moment.

Nappa quickly followed behind him, wondering what their next step would be. Vegeta simply told them that it was best to head to earth earlier than expected. There was another Saiyan there that they needed to pick up. Perhaps, Raditz was still alive, there was nothing else for him to do but to rebuild his empire again—if he could.


Meanwhile, while others were thrilled about Frieza's death, some weren't. In fact, there were some that were extremely angered hearing about it.

"Lord Cold, what do we do about your son's death?" A man in bright white armor asked.

"What do you think, you fool?! We'll find the dirty monkey that killed my son, what else!" King Cold eyes flashed with determination.

"Where's Vegeta and his group now? I feel that they may have a hand in this, this is why I told him to finish those apes at his side, but he didn't listen!" King Cold felt like killing someone right about now, and who or what was a better target than a Saiyan right now?

Right as he was done speaking, another man came in. He was an alien with green skin and an elephant trunk.

"Did you find what I asked for?" King Cold asked coldly.

"Y-yes, sir! We found that a Saiyan by the name of Raditz went to Earth. He was confronted by another Saiyan, which was his brother. After that, they lost all connection to him. Vegeta and Nappa claimed that he had been captured." The Elephant man said.

"And? What does this mean? I know it means they should be destroyed but that doesn't lead me to my son's killer." King Cold seemed like he was ready to kill this man for being so useless to him.

"Wait! We found that the Saiyan that caught the Saiyan named Raditz looks just like your son's killer in the recording."

King Cold's eyes showed a glimmer of light. He froze thoughtfully, there had to be some connections with this Saiyan if they look alike, perhaps, siblings? The first brother went to catch and retrieve the other but he was caught.

And now a look-alike had killed his son, it was obvious to King Cold now!

"Earth, was it?" King Cold thought for a moment. A Saiyan that looked just like his son's killer was on Earth?

"Good, we'll head to Earth then. We need to clean up these Saiyans anyway, they can't be allowed to live any further."

King Cold made a firm decision, he wanted to attack Earth!