Just Getting By: Swimming in Shit

After killing the two red slithering masses it gave us the opportunity to look around the room. Everything looked cool, but there was nothing. Everything was just sadly useless. There was no door that led to anywhere new. We tried picking everything up. The other square doors appeared to be locked. After inspecting everything we both met up in the middle.

"Why the fuck are we still here!" Sam let out an exasperated sigh slumping down against the floor.

"What if something opened up out there?" I gestured to the sewer system. Maybe this really was like a video game. Once we completed a section of the level more would open up for us to explore around.

"Lets go look around I guess." She stood back up and we both continued on to the door. After opening the door I quickly felt dismayed. The one thing I didn't want to deal with was the shit colored murky water. However, there going across to the other side of the sewer was small square stones. They hadn't been there before, and going along with my theory I think we had to complete each thing in succession. We both simply stared at the square stones none of us willing to offer to go first.

"Do you think there's something in the water?" Sam asked.

Fuck come on dude! Don't put that thought in my head. I mean sure it was already there, but hearing it come from her made it that much worse.

"Let's hope not." I went back into the morgue and grabbed a bottle of solution from one of the shelves.

"What are you gonna do with that."

I honestly had no clue, but I needed to know what would happen if we touched the water. I dropped the bottle into the water. Nothing happened except a disgustingly thick plop.

"At least it didn't seem to be acidic or the bottle would have been melted I guess."

I took several deep breaths. Why am I doing this? Why am I here? I kept thinking to myself, and lightly jumped to the first square. I landed and quickly inspected all around my square. I didn't know what could be lurking in the water, and honestly I really didn't want to find out. After having waited for a solid second I took another deep breath and jumped to the second platform.


I ushered Sam to jump to her platform.

She jumped, and of course that's when I saw the look of panic on her face. I didn't even bother turning around I yelled.

"Jump back. Jump back."

I didn't even wait for her to finish jumping back to the right side of the sewer, I leapt. I harshly landed on the first platform. I could feel something tugging at my shirt, but didn't bother to wait around to see what it was. I leapt again with all my might and this time a hot searing pain could be felt at my back. I still didn't care though, and landed on solid ground. I looked behind me now that I was on solid ground to see three giant lizards with long sharp claws staring at me. The lizards used two legs to stand, and had massive upper torsos. The claws of them seemed to be several feet in length, and judging from the searing heat on my back equally as sharp. There were lizards on each of the platforms. They didn't seem to be moving just staring at us with extreme hostility. I could now feel pain seeping from my back. It wasn't enough to make me quite scream, but I felt like I had a second to acknowledge it.

"Hey Sam do you think you could heal my back?" I glanced at her and she quickly nodded.

"Heal!" I could see a faint glimmer of green leave her hands and hang around my back. That same soothing sensation filled my back, and a second later nothing could be felt.

She looked a little woozy, but before I could say anything she grimaced and turned back to the lizards.

"Why are they just standing there?" She asked. Honestly I was wondering the same thing. If they could swim why not just come to our side, and deal with us.

"Do you think you can shoot them?" I gestured to the nail gun that was still slung over her shoulder.

"I don't think I have enough ammo to deal with all three of them. Not to mention the damage doesn't seem to be very high on this weapon. It said common nail gun damage 10, speed 90, and skill: increased aim."

Damn did I just get lucky getting the chainsaw? My damage was nearly 70 points and took out those monsters in the morgue in one to two hits. Wait a second... Is there a time limit to raise dead enemies? If I go back into the morgue and used the skill would the enemies still come out and help us fight?

"Give me a second I think I might have an idea!" I quickly ran back into the morgue, and Sam stood there staring at the lizards tightly gripping her nail gun after unslinging it from her back. I stopped over the spots that they had died and opened up my status window. I thought about going to skills and sure enough my status window showed my newly acquired skill.

Raise the Dead

To use skill just simply say the activation key "Dead come fight my battles!"

The enemies will have half the health, damage, and speed that they had while alive, but still have all of the special abilities they had.

Mana required 75

I looked at the top of my status bar and saw that I only had 80 mana. Fuck this better work. Seeing how Sam acted after using Heal I didn't even want to think what would happen if it didnt.

"Dead come fight my battles!" I yelled. Energy rapidly left my body making me feel extremely woozy. I quickly grabbed ahold of the operating table to keep myself standing. I could hear that same squishy sound as I did before, and sure enough there were the two red masses standing before me. Not wanting to waste any time I ushered them a command.

"Go fuck up those lizards you slimy bastards!" I hoped they would understand the command, but as soon as I said it they burst through the morgue door. It seemed to startle Sam, but they quickly dashed past her and without hesitation jumped into the water. I could only watch them jump into the water due to the door slamming shut, but I could hear chaos going on outside of the door. I was simply too tired to stand up yet. My breath was coming in short patches. I felt like I had just run a marathon, but soon after the noise of chaos sounded it quickly came to a halt. I stood back up and ran to the door to inspect what had transpired. I didn't see my red masses, but there were only two lizards and they looked to be in bad shape. I could see patches of scale that had been melted off displaying a gruesome scene of dark green blood and bone. One of their faces and nearly melted off leaving just one eye intact and a portion of it's brain to be on full display.

"What the fuck did you do?" Sam asked with an extreme sense of displeasure at having been scared half to death.

"It was one of the new skills I acquired. Raise the Dead." I still felt like I couldn't breathe but it wasn't so bad as it was before.

"I'm guessing you can't do that too often. You look like I felt after using Heal just twice. That exhaustion it's real huh?"

I honestly meant to make it a goal of mine to try not to have Sam heal me. If this is what she felt like after using Heal then I'd feel terrible.

"Don't worry after we leveled up I put most of my points into Intelligence. My new mana count is over 120. I could probably use Heal about five to six times in a row now." She seemed to be extremely proud of herself.

"It also takes about ten minutes for your mana to come back so be careful with that skill."

I made an internal note of that and inspected the lizards again. Whatever damage the red masses had caused didn't seem to phase the creatures that much. They were still standing on their platforms as if nothing had transpired.

"Do you think you could shoot the one with the missing face, Sam? I think one good shot should put it down." I pointed at the one closest to us, and she seemed to agree.

"Increased accuracy!" A small red dot sight shot up from the top of the gun, and Sam took aim down the sight.





"Shut the fuck up. This is my first time handling a gun." She took a deep breath and aimed once more.


The creature squealed in pain and shock. It attempted grabbing the nail that was lodged into it's remaining eye. After a few seconds of it struggling it dropped to it's knees and faded away into nothing. That left just one remaining. It snarled at us, and sensing it's looming doom jumped into the murky water.

"Fuck!" I screamed. How were we supposed to safely get across?

"I'll go across. Do you think you can shoot it if it pops back up?" I looked her in the eyes. She looked down at the gun for a few seconds. Then starred back up looking me right back in the eyes.

"Lets take this fucker down. I won't miss." I really hope that's the case I thought to myself. I jumped to the first square gripping my chainsaw tight.


I jumped to the second platform.


I jumped to the third, and sure enough there was the little fuckers face staring up at me from the water. I internally jumped. My foot came down on the edge of the platform.



I could faintly hear Sam screaming from underneath the muck. All my cylinders were rapidly churning. Extreme fear was clawing at my throat, and in a panic I chocked on the shit water. I knew that little fucker was somewhere in this water, but trying to open my eyes only let the thick sludge slide in and caused them to burn like a raging fire.

Is this where I die?