Weapon Market

Ace heard the system notification and snapped out of his deep cultivation state. The next moment, a rotten smell attacked his nostrils, and he nearly threw his stomach out.

'Where did this awful wax-like thing come from? Is it because of cultivation?'

Ace quickly ran towards the water source outside. He had to wash for quite a long time before that smell went away.

After bathing, Ace felt his senses had become somewhat sharper than before. He can now hear small sounds of insects around and see more clearly around twenty meters. His body is also much sturdier. He was much stronger than those idiots, at least.

'This is how cultivation feels like, huh? I can feel my skin resonating with Heavenly Qi on its own now, and I don't feel extreme hunger like before. This is quite convenient, actually.' Ace felt excited after feeling his new prowess.

"System shows me my status!" He transmitted in mind eagerly.


[Eternal Thief System]

[Main Panel]

[Host: Ace White]

[Race: Human {No Bloodline}]

[First Heaven: Mortal Sky Heaven]

[Martial Cultivation: Heavenly Gates {1st Heavenly Gate}]

{EXP: 50/1000}

[Soul Cultivation: Mortal]

{SP: 19/20} {31 Extra}

[Thief Points (TP): 40]

[Skills: 5]

[Cultivation Technique: 2]

[Current Mission: 0]


"My soul cultivation level is still at '0'. So I have to practice it this time." Ace mumbled to himself.

'Let's head towards the weapon market first to see if I can get a good sword pair there. I need them to cultivate the Dual Shadow Swords.'

Ace headed out after deciding his destination. But first, he goes towards the slum park where the loot is hidden to withdraw some ruby coins because he knows weapons are expensive, especially the ones he needs.

It was very early in the morning, so no one was around the park. Ace quickly dug out the bag, withdrew 1000 ruby coins from it, and put them in the black pouch Alina had left him. He quickly hid the bag there again and left hurriedly.


The weapon market of the outer region was the second-biggest business market after the pill market. The weapon market primarily deals with normal worriers and some novice cultivators. Because the warriors and cultivators like using weapons. It gives the weapon market as much value as the pill market.

Normal blacksmiths made standard weapons, but weapons for cultivators were made by 'Qi Crafters.'

'Crafters' held the same status as Alchemists. Crafters were also rare, but not as much as alchemists. You can become a novice crafter if you know how to control your Qi.

Crafters have ranks like alchemists, but the difference in their skills is measured by star grades from 1 to 9. 1-Star is the lowest, and nine are the highest,

Weapons created by crafters can withstand and release the Qi of a cultivator; the more Qi a weapon can withstand, the higher its star grade will be.

In a 2-Star City like River-Flower City, there was only a 2-Star Qi Crafter present, and he got the same treatment as the white-rank alchemist. As for 1-star crafters, they were present in the city's inner region; they were few, but all of them worked for prominent families.

The outer region only has novice crafters.


Ace reached the weapons market. He didn't eat anything, so he first went to a nearby restaurant and ordered dishes he liked.

He was eating when he heard people talking.

"Hey, did you hear about the Black Ghost that robbed swindler Billy's shop? Billy still couldn't find him anywhere, no matter how much he searched. Yesterday, he even killed four men just because they have the same height as the Black Ghost."

"Well, he's been killing anyone who he suspects to be Black Ghost for some days now, and it's getting worse with each passing day. But most of the people believe that Black Ghost is someone from the inner region, and that's why Billy's at his wit's end as he can't do anything to the inner region's peoples."

"I must admit that Black Ghost person has guts and skill. He stole Billy's wealth under his damn nose, hahaha." 

"You said damn right, the peoples he cheated were extremely happy when they heard the news. Some are even calling the Black Ghost their hero, and some poor commoners call him the 'Hero of Justice." Said another man while laughing,

"When do you think Black Ghost will strike again?"

"Well, no one knows the answer. But some people hopped for him to strike against other people like Billy. You know everyone has tightened their security because they're afraid of 'Black Ghost paying them 'visit' next, hahaha."

Ace becomes stunned when he hears their conversation, 'They're calling me 'Black ghost,' haha, not a bad name for a thief, But that bastard fatty is killing innocent people because he can't find me.'

Ace frowned and was furious after thinking about Billy's baseless killing. After all, he was just a 12-year-old boy, and he never would've thought his thievery could involve the innocent.

'If I have a chance, I'll avenge them and do something for them.' Ace vowed in his heart.

After eating his fill, Ace started heading toward the weapon market. As he entered the market, he saw many good-built and tall men. They were roaming around the weapon shops and selecting suitable weapons for themselves.

Ace's aim was not a standard weapon because he knew they couldn't withstand his Heavenly Qi. He wants a 1-Star weapon or a half-star weapon, at least.

In the deeper part of the weapon market, there were not as many people as in the outer part of the market. Ace looked at the shop in front of him. Its name was 'Coal Weapon Shop.' He went inside the shop and saw rows of shining weapons.

'Beautiful' was the thought that came to his mind when he saw those rows of weapons.

"Boy, did you lose your way here?" A loud and heavy voice sounded in the shop.

Ace looked around and spotted a tall, muscular, black-skinned, middle-aged man with a stern look on his face. He was Coal, the owner of this shop.

Seeing Coal and his serious face, he spoke respectfully with some apprehension, "Sir, I'm here to select a weapon for myself."

"What kind of weapon do you want?" Coal got straight to business.

"I want a pair of swords, one short and one long, capable of withstanding QI." Ace also didn't beat around the bush and revealed his requirements.

The suitable weapons he needed to practice his Dual Shadow swords technique were a Pair of Long and Short Swords.

"You are a cultivator?" An expression of astonishment surfaces for the first time on Coal's serious face.

Cultivators were not rare in the weapon market, but cultivators as young as Ace were not common. Instead, they were either in the city's inner region or in 1-Star Cities. That's why Coal was surprised.

"Yes, sir," Ace answered with little pride. It was his first time telling someone of his minor achievement.

"Well, it is rare to see a cultivator of your age here, but don't get too prideful. There are many like you in big cities, and even in our inner region, there are many young and talented people like you. So never get prideful because there's always someone above you."

Coal was a straightforward person with a kind heart. So, he advised with good intentions. His previous surprised expression was long gone.

"Thank you! I'll remember sir teaching." Ace didn't show displeasure because he could tell Coal had no hidden malice or disdain towards him. Coal advised him like a senior, so he thanked him politely.

'He is right; even my Lil' Sis, who is many years younger than me, was at the 1st Gate of Qi Gates realm, and now that her bloodline is awakened, she must be more powerful. So I can't become arrogant with just this little achievement.' Ace considered earnestly.

"Not bad, boy, your attitude is right for cultivation. Remember, never get arrogant no matter what, or when someone stronger crushes you like an ant, you will never be able to stand again. Now, let's go. I'll show you sword pairs. It's quite rare for someone to use dual swords style nowadays, so I didn't have many sets. Only three sets are available, and all of them are half-star rank. In the outer region, you can only find half-star weapons. If you want a better one, go to the inner region." Said Coal coolly and started moving towards his workshop.

Coal now has a good impression of Ace for his humble attitude, so he gives him advice, or he would never even bother to say an extra word if it were someone conceited.

Ace followed Coal in his workshop.

Coal quickly grabs three long, slim wooden boxes from the corner of the workshop. He opened the boxes one by one. Shining swords gave off a sharp, cold feeling when every box was opened.

"These red-colored swords are called fire twin swords and are priced at 500 ruby coins. This set is called Sharp Edge Twin Swords 300 ruby coins. This last set is called the black raptor pair. It can cut metal like butter, and the best between these three sets price at 900 ruby coins." Coal got straight to the point with the introduction and prices.

Ace saw the sets inside the wooden boxes. He could tell they were not standard pairs of swords. He sent a bit of Heavenly Qi towards them to see which could withhold it. When Heavenly Qi made contact with them, they immediately started trembling. Coal also notices this and becomes stunned.

'This kid is not a normal one!' Coal inhaled a breath of cold air.

Ace was disappointed. These pairs of swords couldn't withstand his Heavenly Qi for long. "Sir, I will buy this raptor pair." This set can withstand his Qi for the longest of three.

"OK, take the case and follow me to the counter. You can pay there." Coal turned around after giving Ace an order.

Ace didn't mind as he grabbed the case with the raptor set and followed Coal.

At the main shop, Ace paid 900 ruby coins. He was about to leave when he heard Coal's pressing voice, "Boy, I can tell these swords can't withstand your power. So, find a suitable pair for yourself as soon as possible. It is also good for your cultivation because those who cultivate weapons won't change them daily. Remember, a weapon is like a life to a warrior. If it breaks during the battle, he will die."

Coal gave his final advice and headed back toward his workshop like he didn't care about Ace anymore.

Ace thought about what Coal had just said and couldn't help but agree with him, 'I'll buy those swords in the system's shop next time when I complete a mission.'

Ace lightly bowed towards the workshop where Coal had vanished. Now, he considers him an elder who gave him guidance.

Finally, now he has a pair of swords to practice the dual shadow swords technique, so he returns to his little hut. It was time to cultivate again!