Grant Family Meeting

Ace lived in Gracie's training ground from that day on. However, it caused a considerable commotion in the Grant Family.

Like, the Head Butler Kylan was quite appalled by this sudden turn of events because he had never expected Gracie to take a liking to this 'barbarian,' and she even let him live in her house.

Everyone was astounded by this news because they knew Gracie's personality very well, and she would never do things that didn't give her any interest. Consequently, everyone started to investigate this 'barbarian' that Gracie had accepted. But they failed to find anything about him.

Those elders who were supposed to keep watch over Wasteland's slaves didn't know anything about Ace because those elders had become too lazy after a long period of peace in the family.

Only now, when this new development transpired after Gracie showed liking towards a wasteland boy, did they have to give a complete report on him to higher-ups. But they still couldn't find anything on him after they searched their half-done records.

Nevertheless, This notion didn't even cross their minds that someone would be daring enough to infiltrate Grant's Family with this method.

The most agitated among the Grant Family higher-ups was Caden Grant, Gracie's father.

Caden took this matter seriously because he doted on Gracie the most and worried about her safety. Yet, when he found no information on that punk, he was furious and harshly punished those indolent elders.

After discovering that there was no information on that slave, Caden summoned Gracie and ordered her to kick Ace out of her house because he was suspicious.

But Gracie didn't listen to him and protested, saying, "I'm going to brand that barbarian with a slave mark after he passes my test in a month."

She assured him that Yahir was keeping an eye on Ace all the time.

After seeing Gracie's confidence, Caden could only sigh helplessly, 'I spoiled her too much. Well, what can a mortal slave do? Maybe I'm acting too overprotective here.' His eyes were filled with fatherly love when he looked at Gracie's pouting face. 

Ultimately, Caden didn't object anymore and approved her request to keep Ace as a servant. But he was extremely puzzled by the fact, 'Why does she want that 'barbarian' as a personal servant?'

Whenever he asked the reason, she just smiled mysteriously. Eventually, he gave up. He couldn't investigate Ace personally, right? Since it was beneath him with his 'noble status.'


Ace didn't know that Gracie accepting him in her 'house' had caused so much turmoil. He was solely concentrating on Pick-Pocket right now.

Even if Ace knew about it, he wouldn't care at all. Eva repeatedly assured him that when the family investigated him, Gracie would protect him and wouldn't open her mouth because of her selfishness and the perks he would bring her.

As Ace practiced this skill, he found it easy to understand with his Formless Wind Core. This was also the advantage of a soul cultivator. They can practice Soul Skills with ease, and Ace was a Heavenly Soul Cultivator at that.


A month passed in a flash; today was the Grant Family Younger Generation Meeting day.

Every two years, this competition is organized among youngsters from the ages of 12 to 18 in the East, West, South, and North Districts.

This competition determined the ranking of the Grant Family's youngsters by measuring their cultivation bases.

The Top 10 would get many benefits and resources from the family. For example, the person in the 3rd to 10th rank can gain the family's best resources and get ten half-white grade Qi Pills every month.

The First and Second Ranks would not only get the same benefits, but their most precious prize was that they could learn the only Low-Level Qi Mortal Grade Skill that the Grant family possessed. It was extremely precious and the biggest secret of the Grant Family.

Only the top two ranking participants can learn the skill for only two days. If they can gain something from it, that's their luck; if not, that's also their lousy luck. For to memorize low-level mortar grade skills, one has to be at Qi Gates realm peak!

Cultivation Skills are divided into Normal, Mortal, Warrior, Master, and Mysterious Grades. All the grades are further divided into Low, Middle, High, and Absolute levels.

As for skills above the Mysterious Grade, they were all in the hands of Ancient Sects!

A 2-Start City like the River-Flower city only has 2 Low-Level Mortal Grade Skills, one of which was in the city lord mansion while the second one was in the hands of Grant's family head, Rylan Grant!

Normal Grade Skills were common because they can be found even in 3-star cities.

However, Warrior Grade Skills were all monopolized by Kingdoms. If they even get the news that the skill of a warrior grade was in the hand of a lowly city, it would be considered treason, and that city and every living being in it would be erased from existence.

That's why these youngsters of Grant's family yearn for this low-level mortal grade skill day and night. Even those elders didn't have permission to touch it despite always wanting to learn it, but Rylan won't let them. He only gave authorization to those who showed value to the family.

Moreover, no one even knows the name of the skill. It was the top secret of the Grant Family.


Ace was walking behind Gracie, looking ceremoniously like a loyal servant. He was holding a long bag in his hand, and In it were two beautiful long swords.

Gracie was walking towards the meeting venue. Actually, she didn't need Ace to carry her swords, but Ace insisted on it because he needed this bag to put all those stolen goods.

Gracie quickly agreed and gave Ace a long string bag when she heard this reason. She even picked another sword because that bag looked too empty with only one sword. Ace was happy about it. Now, no one will suspect anything.

After some time, Ace saw a big open field coming into view that was bustling with activity. It was the venue for the Grant Family Younger Generation Meeting.

After all, the Grant Family was the second-ranked family in the inner region, so this competition brought together many different powers. These important characters have come here to watch the competition between juniors of the Grant family!

The competitive spirit amongst the junior members of the family was at a boiling point from the excitement after seeing all these people come here to watch their 'grand performance'!

The Meeting was held in a wide field in the evening, and several guests were bustling about.

Some family heads from various other families came because of the Grant Family's fame and power. But no one came from the City Lord's Family due to their complicated relationship.

In the vast field of the Grant Family, numerous members from the junior generations of various inner region families had been gathered. Although these bouts between them were going to be grand and intense, everyone's focus was on a grand stage set in the center of the venue.

Gracie turned around before entering the venue and whispered to Ace, "You only have to steal from the competition participants. Don't alert those high-level guests, especially the Family Head and Elders. If they find out about it, you will die before you know it!" She didn't wait for Ace's answer and entered the venue.

Ace's complexion was dreary. He didn't think this little test of Gracie would be in this kind of high-profile spot and felt this Shorty had duped him! 

'This is going to be troublesome!' Ace deemed gloomily.

After entering the venue, Ace saw a big grand stage in the center. In the center of the stage was a pillar, and a white crystal ball was placed on this pillar. That crystal ball was the size of an adult human head.

Around the grand stage were posh seats; only old men and some middle-aged men were sitting in them. They were all wearing luxurious clothes and drinking some wine while chatting casually. He could tell they were all high-level figures just by the powerful Qi fluctuations around them.

Gracie directly entered the junior area of her family. There were only ten seats there, and everyone was standing behind them. Those youngsters instantly shut their mouths when they saw Gracie because they feared annoying this little devil.

Gracie scorned after seeing everyone's vigilant gaze and sat in the third seat from the right.

Beside her were two seats where two young men were sitting. The one sitting in the first seat with an expressionless yet handsome face was Felix Grant, and the one who sat beside Felix was Ruben Grant, who had an ordinary look with a dusky complexion.

Felix was ranked Number One in the previous meetings and the Grant Family's best talent of this Generation. More importantly, he was the youngest son of Rylan Grant.

On the other hand, Ruben was ranked second in the previous Meeting, and Gracie was third. 

Gracie detested Ruben because he always teased her as 'No.3 Sister' whenever he saw her. Therefore, she avoided him most of the time. Furthermore, she can't do anything about it because he has excellent talent in cultivation, and he was favored by the family head and Felix's good friend. Even her father was helpless against him.

This year, Gracie had turned 18, and this was her last competition. Therefore, she was determined to beat Ruben this time around. The same goes for Felix and Ruben. These three always compete with each other, but Felix never let any of them overtake him in these years.

Gracie was about to greet Felix when she heard a huge commotion from the crowd and turned around to see what had happened. 

Ruben, who was also going to tease Gracie, becomes serious.

A 1.8-meter-tall middle-aged man with long dark brown hair and a good face entered the venue haughtily. He was wearing luxurious silk robes with beautiful golden embroidery. He nonchalantly walked toward the stage and sat in the most eye-catching seat in the center.

He didn't even bother greeting anyone and sat in the golden chair, closing his eyes. Yet, no one dared to show any displeasure or angry expressions. Instead, they were smiling broadly after seeing that man's arrogance because he was the current Head of the Grand family, Rylan Grant!

Beside Rylan was a man who was not as tall as him but wasn't short either. His face resembled Rylan's, and he sat on the seat next to Rylan's. He was Gracie's Father and Rylan's younger brother, Caden Grant.

Rylan swiftly gestured with his hand while his eyes were still closed. It was a signal!

Everyone understood what that gesture meant; the Meeting was finally about to start!