City Herbs & Weapons Shop

Ace and Eva were currently heading towards the City Herbs & Weapons Shop.

After some twists and turns, they finally saw a big 10-story building. There was a big signboard in front of the shop 'City Herbs & Weapons' Shop was written on it. It was a shop opened by the City Lord's family, the Casen Family.

Before entering the shop, Ace saw a familiar luxurious carriage parked outside. It was the same carriage he had seen outside the city yesterday, and because of the disturbance caused by this carriage, he and Eva entered the city unnoticed.

Eva also recognized that carriage the instant she saw it, "Should we leave and come back at another time?" She asked him in a low voice. She didn't want to get into any trouble with this kind of person.

Ace also saw from afar that the shop was almost empty, and only some guards and attendants were present.

'Is it because of the owner of the carriage?'

He thought for a moment and was about to agree with Eva's suggestion of leaving when he saw a beautiful young lady with blonde hair wearing a luxurious dress walk out of the shop. Following her were some maids. She didn't notice her surroundings and nonchalantly entered the carriage with her maids behind.

After she entered her carriage, the guards who were standing outside the shop hurriedly formed two lines around the carriage, and the carriage started to move towards the exit of the market.

"She's not simple at all!" Ace commented on seeing the blond-haired girl because he could sense that her cultivation was at the early stage of the Qi Foundation Building realm.

There are four stages of the Qi Foundation building realm: Early, Mid, High, and Peak.

That girl was around the same age as Eva or a little older than her, but she was already at the early stage of the Qi Foundation building realm.

Eva's senses were not as high as Ace's, and she didn't have his true and false eyes or soul sense, so she didn't know why he said those words. She thought that he was complimenting that blonde girl's beauty.

She felt displeased for some reason and puffed while saying, "Humph! Seen enough? Let's go to that shop."

She didn't give him any chance and started to march towards the shop's entrance while ignoring him.

Ace was confused after seeing her acting this way, 'What happened to her?' He thought and chased after her.

Now that the carriage was gone, the customers began to enter the shop again.

They entered the big shop and headed straight towards the counter where an old man was sitting.

That old man saw Ace and Eva and smiled like a senior while saying, "How may I help you?"

Eva said in an impolite tone before Ace could say a single word. "Do you sell storage bags and soft armor for females here?"

Ace was helpless after seeing her acting this way; he could sense that she was in a bad mood for some reason and let her do what she wanted for the time being.

The old man saw Eva's dominating attitude, smiled knowingly toward Ace, and expressed, "Yes, we have all the things you need, especially storage bags. Only our shop sells them in the entire city. Please show a million ruby coins, and you may enter the fifth floor. This is the rule of our shop."

Ace was amazed by this rule because one million ruby coins were a lot in River Flower City, yet they had to show them to go to the upper-level floors of the shop. He only got five million ruby coins in the Kelby family treasury, and even Rylan's wealth came from a kingdom-level expert.

Eva didn't say anything and only looked towards Ace with angered-filled eyes. After seeing her fierce eyes, Ace didn't delay anymore, and he took a yellow crystal card from his pocket. On the card were one million, and a symbol of the ruby coin was engraved. This was the ruby crystal card that used to carry a large amount of money.

That old man didn't say anything after seeing that ruby crystal card in his hand and winked at an attendant. She quickly came forward, "Honorable customer, please follow me."

They followed the attendant towards the upper floors and reached their destination on the fifth floor of the shop.

The fifth floor of the shop looked much more grand than the first floor. There were rows of shelves here, and on them were all kinds of shining weapons, armor, and pills... one could see them through the glass displays.

Eva completely forgot about her temper when she saw all those treasures, especially the armor. She wanted to steal all of them but quickly dropped the idea after thinking, 'We'll only steal from bad guys!'

Ace wasn't very impressed by all those treasures because he had already seen treasures from the kingdom. There were only one-star weapons and white-grade pills here.

An old lady was sitting behind the counter; she was the floor master of the fifth floor, and her cultivation was at the peak of Qi Gates Realm.

She saw Ace and Eva approaching and said expressionlessly, "What do you need?"

She didn't like talking much and only cared for important guests, and in her eyes, Ace was not important at all, so she got straight to business.

Ace didn't mind her attitude. He was here for shopping, not for gaining anyone's respect. But Eva was different from him and said in a displeased manner, "Did your shop always greet their customers this way?"

That old lady didn't even flinch and said in disdain, "You may leave if you're here for wasting my time."

"YOU!" She was going to quarrel when she felt Ace's hand firmly holding her shoulder. He didn't want to make a scene and said while smiling, "We want to buy two storage bags and a 1-Star Armor for my companion."

That old lady didn't pay attention to Eva anymore and said in an ordering tone, "Go fetch the storage bags he wants."

The girl who bought Ace and Eva here hurriedly leaves after receiving the order. She knows too well just how rude this old lady is, and no one can do anything about it because she is a member of the Casen Family.

"You can select any armor from this floor." She said to Ace.

Ace didn't say anything and winked towards Eva, who was fuming with rage. She took a deep breath and shot a fearsome gaze towards that rude old lady. After calming down a bit, she ignored that nasty lady and started selecting armor for herself with Ace.

There were many types of armor here on display, but all of them were too flashy, and She didn't like them, so she chose a full-body soft armor for females in black color.

Ace was also looking around without any interest. He has some armor way better than these on display, but they were all heavy armor, and his skills were mostly focused on speed, so they were useless to him and Eva. He wanted to sell them all once he reached a Kingdom for Qi-Stones since he had more than enough ruby coins.

Ace was about to shift his gaze elsewhere when he noticed a black trench coat with dark blue patterns and a hood in a display. His eyes sparkled, "I want that coat as well." He said to the rude old lady.

After some time, the servant girl returned with two little green bags in her hands. She didn't hand them to Ace; instead, she gave them to the old lady. She also took the soft black armor and trench coat with hood from the display and placed them on the counter in front of the old lady. "Anything else?" She asked Ace in an emotionless voice.

"NO!" Eva answered before Ace could in an annoying manner. 

"Two storage bags and two 1-Star soft armors. One Million Ruby coins." She directly told them the collective price.

Ace raised his eyebrow after hearing the price; one million was not much for him, but the way she was talking to them started to get on his nerves.

He suddenly glanced towards that old lady's waist, and there was a black storage bag hanging. He got a good idea to teach her an unforgettable lesson.

"This is your one million ruby coins." He gave that one million crystal card to that lady and grabbed those storage bags and armor. He didn't give Eva any chance to say anything and held her smooth hand and dragged her towards the exit of the floor.

After leaving the shop, Eva said in anger, "Why don't you let me teach her a lesson?"

She was confident in her skills and wanted to fight that old hag, and they could escape the shop unharmed. But he didn't let her do as she planned, and that's why she was furious.

"Just take this and don't draw too much attention." While smiling, Ace ignored her angry face and gave her a black storage bag.

She was about to argue with him when she saw that black storage bag and became confused, "Didn't we only buy two green color bags?"

"Hehehe, will you believe me if I say this storage bag belonged to the old hag?" Ace laughed as he gave that storage bag to Eva.

"REALLY!" She quickly received that bag from Ace, saw the inside using her Qi, and was startled.

There were four million ruby coins worth of crystal cards, clothing and other stuff for a woman, and a 1-star whip. Since these 1-Star weapons cannot contain Qi and only work when someone supplies them with Qi, they can be stored inside the storage bag.

"How did you do that?" She exclaimed in astonishment.

He shrugged his shoulder and replied with a smile, "It's a trade secret." 

He had used soul thread and pick-pocket to rob that old hag. Now that his heavenly sense had reached 30 meters, robing someone like that old hag was easy. He didn't get any TP since only a single weapon and money existed in the bag. That's why he decided to give them to Eva so he can be free from being her 'bank'.

Eva became notably happy and didn't mind Ace anymore. She started to store her things inside the storage bag.

After some time, Ace regretted giving her that money because after getting 'rich,' Eva wandered around the whole market for the entire evening and bought anything she liked.

But they didn't know that, unknowingly, Ace had robbed the dear sister of the City Lord and alerted someone they shouldn't have!