Searching for Treasury

Ace reached Javier's room without encountering any Weston. He dismissed those maids who become even happier and leave, well it was more like they escape.

Ace was speechless by this and could only smile wryly. He looks at the luxurious room and was amazed by this Silkpants lavishing lifestyle. He quickly changes his clothes with Javier's and looks in the big mirror in the room. 

Ace was taller and leaner than Javier but this two-face mask has created perfect illusion and even his height was hidden under the illusion, no one can see his true appearance if they're not River Core Cultivators.

Ace or Javier's dinner was delivered to his room by a servant who also seems quite terrified of him. 'It seems this family didn't like this guy at all, they didn't even eat with him. Heh, good for me though.' He enjoys the meal with good wine.