Limited Slots

The man was about to attack Jason when one of the gate guards released his aura and roar loudly, "Shut up, you two retards! Where do you think you're standing?!"

The short temper man instantly backs down, but he still looks coldly at Jason, "Bastard don't let me caught you!" 

Jason smiles mysteriously at the man and ignored his threat as he also shut up. 

Ace saw all this with great interest and couldn't help but think, 'Interesting.' 

After the brief bout, the line move smoothly but Jason would still spout something random now and then. Yet his new 'friend' Javier simply ignore him, but it didn't shut his mouth.

It was finally Ace's turn. 

"Ten fragment Qi stones." The guard coldly said. 

"What? Didn't the toll was five just a month ago?" Jason, who was standing behind Javier, exclaims. 

Everyone began to rustle because Jason was telling the truth.