Ace’s Progress & Plan!

The Moon Leap City was at the edge of Leap's Kingdom and closest to the Earthen Mist Forest of Earthen Nature Boundary between first and second-grade lands. 

Although this city was very close to the earthen mist forest it was still tens of miles away, so there wasn't any danger. Besides, the demonic beasts inside the earthen mist forest never left the Emerald Mist for some mysterious reason. 

At this moment, inside an Inn's room. 

A young man with plain features was sitting cross-legged. This was Ace in Ryan's disguise.

Before him, floating four runic symbols, illuminating in different shades. 

The bright green was the Earth Rune, the gentle blue was, Water Rune, the scarlet one was Fire Rune, and last in Azure color was the Wind Rune! 

Ace's eyes were shimmering with elation because he finally completed the Basic Myriad Rune Symbols Encyclopedia, and it only took him two days before he completed the Fire Rune and Wind Rune.