2nd Heavenly Punishment! (4)

Ace's heart palpitated when he saw the silver lightning bolt descend, he could sense a dreadful power of destruction and despair from it. 

After his last heavenly punishment, he was now quite sensitive toward the power of despair, and he could sense it was ten times more potent and destructive than white despair thunder. 

A purple round-shield with mysterious blue runes appeared in Ace's hand, this was exactly the cherished national treasure of Leap Kingdom that Ace stole a few weeks ago. Lightning Shield, a 7-star runic treasure!

Truth be told, he wasn't optimistic anymore about this shield could withstand the heavenly lightning after he sensed the power of the lightning bolt, but it was still far better than taking it head-on. 

Even though Ace wasn't able to move from the earthen altar, like everyone because of supreme force but to his delight he was able to move his hands, they weren't restricted like last time anymore!