An Unexpected Lose & Gain

"How should I use it?"

This question made Ace nearly laugh madly, but he was excellent at hiding his emotions. 

Still, he didn't dare to be careless in front of this wily fox, or she might suspect something, and all his efforts would go to the drain, and he might have to run as well. 

So, he kept his head lower in a respectful position as he replied, "I don't know its correct use since I'm still incompetent. But it all started after my blood touched it. Then it merged with my body." 

'What a waste of such treasure.' Winter felt disdain as she perked her finger and dropped her blood on the dark token. 

However, nothing happened, which made Winter frown slightly as she looked at Feng with a hint of killing intent. 

Ace felt chills. 'She wanted to kill me to get rid of the ownership? And here she was, just promised treasures and a bright future, but now? She's really ruthless!' he cussed.