House Mission Complete!

The Life Demon Auction was still moving smoothly on the third day. 

Only a few hours were left before the end of the third day, and the participants were still eagerly bidding against each other for the items. 

At this moment, inside the VVIP Room No.84, 

Eight dark gray demons were sitting haughtily while the oldest of them was bidding for a grade-3 talisman on the stage. 

"Father, room no.90 belonged to the Eastern Moon Clan of the Moon Demon Tribe." A middle-aged demon told the old demon with a hint of contempt.

"Yet they still dared to bid against our magistrate clan? Hmph, they're overestimating themselves!" The old demon sneered as he increased the bid by a hundred thousand high-grade-2 Qi stones.

The six youths behind them also smiled with disdain. 

The bid from room no.90 finally stopped at this moment, who kept bidding against them from the start. 

Their scornful smiles grew, even more, when Lilly started to count.