Final Assessment: Grand!

Ace flew or teleported for fifteen minutes, using 152 Space Step Talismans, and was now at the outskirts of the Imperial Domain.

He had crafted 231 Space Step Talismans with all the materials he had, and this entire theft cost him over 23 million thief points just for a mere chance to get the elemental orb. 

But the grin on his face was evident that he didn't regret it!

The pressure of Demon Ancestor had already vanished because of the altitude, and the distance Ace had managed to pull with the help of space step talismans. But he knew he wasn't out of the danger zone yet, not by a long shot. 

First, his owl wings would only last for 14 more minutes, and he had to land before he fell to his death. From this height, he would be turned into mush no matter what he does.