Black Mountain Range

The Imperial Demon Domain incident was completely under-wraps, just as Ace suspected. As a result, this news and the entry to the domain were closed off. 

However, after three days of the foray, the entire demon content experienced an absolute lockdown. 

Powerful demons from the Imperial Demon Council started spreading on the entire continent, and everything was again related to the elusive thief Sky Stealer. 

Yet, this time, the search wasn't just a search anymore. It was simply a massacre!

Because if a city, town, village, or even a prominent clan fell under the suspicion of the Imperial Demon Council, they would be slaughtered to the last men. The demons no longer care about the aftermath. It was like they had gone insane for the thief. 

No protest, no complaint, not even a plea was allowed. Whether they were from eight provinces or the royal demon nation, whoever did so, was detained and killed without mercy!