Helpless Demon Ancestor

Ace couldn't help but feel guilty as he looked at cheerful Cyrus because ever since he was born, Ace hasn't let him out, and the time he did was when he was in trouble and nearly put him in immense danger. 

Now that he had time to think about it, after Alina's incident that how his ambition had grown, he also noticed that he had become somewhat cold and even a little bit ruthless. 

Ace had never thought becoming a thief and constantly pretending to be someone would affect his own personality and feelings. He didn't want to turn up like someone who didn't have their own emotions and always hid behind fake emotions and lies. 

So, he decided to change his ways a little bit so at least he couldn't lose the real him. The incident with Alina was a great wakeup-call for him to notice his own change. 

Will he still be the Old Ace if he loses his own personality? Will he continue to be fake around Eva and Alina? 

He didn't want that!