Unexpected Boon!

Hearing Cyrus's warning, Ace's expression became serious, "Do you notice the dense Qi here?" 

Eva nodded, "Yes. The deeper we go, the denser the Qi. It seems we are in the right place, and it's not some lode either." 

"Well, let's find out where we are." Ace's eyes went sharp as he used the sword light to attack the wall ahead and burst it open. 

He had already seen the fate map, and it was still gray, which would only mean this place was safe. 

The moment the wall was broken, a cloudy mist filled with Qi entered the passage. 

"How refreshing," Cyrus exclaimed happily. 

Even Ace was astonished by the thick Qi, and the system's voice rang at this moment.


[Host has absorbed 2 SP]

[Host has absorbed 4 EXP]

[Host has absorbed 1 SP]

[Host has absorbed 3 EXP]

[Host has absorbed 5 SP]