Choosing a Side (2)

Ace wasn't surprised by this recruitment at all because he knew once he showed his cultivation talent and accessed the ascension stairway in half a day, this was bound to attract the attention of the upper echelon. 

Furthermore, the five Law Awareness realm experts seemed to have quick a status that even those ten quasi-law awareness realm experts were silent and didn't dare to speak when they were talking. 

Lastly, he noticed there was only one human among the ten quasi-law awareness realm experts, and his expression was quite ugly as he looked at Ace with hope and apprehension.

'Don't tell me the bigotry is at its peak in here?' Ace made a wild guess. 

But he still didn't let his actual thoughts surface and looked confused as he asked, "Recruit me? But according to my badge, I'm already a Union Student and a member of Common Union Grounds in Sun Domain?"