Too Slow…

On the western bay of the Azure Wind Continent,

In the dark night, a ghastly scene was being played as ten large ships were brightly lit on flames like torches while the sounds of sea waves with the mixture of deadly shrills rang in the vicinity.


A ship suddenly exploded into smithereens, which created a chain reaction, and other nine ships started to explode one after another, creating massive fireworks. 

Watching this magnificent scene from the beach not far away was a tall silhouette clad in black robes with dark blue patterns, and the face was hidden behind a long hood. 

After the explosions were over, the once large ships were now turned to debris as well as some corpses and limbs were afloat on the flaming water surface. They would soon draw many sea demonic beasts. 

At this moment, the hooded figure flipped its hand, and a communication cube appeared before it started to shimmer brightly.