The Unknown Entity

At this moment, Ace stepped out of a red swirl before the swirl vanished within the space. 

However, his concern was not the swirl but the terrifying heat that attacked him the moment he stepped out of that swirl. 

'Is this the second level of the lower layer or the surface of some volcano?' Ace was shocked as he released more Qi to protect himself from the heat, as it was probably ten times more intense than the first level. 

However, Ace was more shocked, seeing that he was literally standing on top of a red boulder that was in the middle of a lava river that streamed toward who knows where, like a raging water river. 

'I need a high-grade armor that can defend against this strange heat, or I'll run out of Qi sooner or later at this rate, and I need to wear my robes as well.' Ace thought grimly as he finally decided to use armor from his thief's space.