A Sneak Attack

The second layer's guardian zone was another crimson cathedral, but it was located in the middle of a raging lava river, and the heat around was so intense that it could disintegrate away a mortal within seconds and turn it into ashes. 

Even Ace was feeling intense heat despite all the protection layers he had donned on himself. But this was the least of his problem because when he tried to fly toward the cathedral, the lava river suddenly surged toward Ace as if it had come alive like a tsunami. 

Ace never expected this sudden development since there was nothing but this peculiar attacking prowess of this river around the cathedral at all in the fate map, and it was just named red. 

With his nimble movement, he managed to avoid being swallowed by the lava river. To his astonishment, the lava river seemed to have a mind of its own as it started to shoot burning lava at him like cannonballs, and their speed was terrifying.