Did he Trick me?

Today, another entrance test for the Azure Wind Mountain Sect was concluded, with only a single person managed to pass it. 

Unlike the other four sects, the Azure Wind Mountain Sect's entrance test was ten times more difficult because of its superior lineage as well as the most powerful person of the human race residing here. 

The person who passed today's entrance test was an average human girl with plain green clothes and big bright brown eyes, which were lively and somewhat apprehensive as she stood in front of an Elder clad in gray robes with an azure mountain emblem. 

"Little girl, your name is Niele, and you hailed from South Azure Wind Mountain Region?" The elder coldly questioned. 

Niele respectfully yet timidly replied, "Y-yes, Elder!"

"You had shown an extraordinary performance, probably one of the best entrance test performances in the past hundred years. However, a talent like yours can't go unnoticed in our own territory.