The Wrath of Heaven!

The mysterious archipelago was enshrouded in gloomy silence, and some figures were moving silently on each island, clearly didn't want to be noticed by something. 

However, a stern, imposing voice suddenly reverberated in the entire archipelago and alerted everyone. 

"Humans of Mortal Sky, you all dare to disturb my peace, for it is an unforgivable sin worth death!

"But not only you all dared to disturb my peace, you 'Humans' even stole my Spirit Fire and then tried to run away with it as if it belonged to you. 

"O' foolish 'Humans,' you shall all perish under the wrath of heaven, for it will be your only salvation!" 

The imposing voice was thunderous, and even after it was stopped, it echoed for a few moments. When everyone snapped out of their stupor, their expression started to change into disbelief before they turned hideous.