We are not Saviors but Thieves!

Cyrus's aura suddenly erupted like a sea. His cultivation of the peak soul manifestation realm started to rise, and within a few minutes, the little guy was at the early stage of the Soul Law Comprehension Realm. 

A blue flame manifested behind him, and a phantom of an extremely ancient bird emerged that even made Eva shocked as she quickly put him down. 

But that flame phantom only lasted for a movement before the little guy's body regained its peacefulness. However, the dark blue crown of feathers on Cyrus's head had become more ethereal, as if it was made of flames and an air of majesty emit from him, which made even the Blood Ancestor shudder, and Lillian was no different. 

It was too sudden, and Cyrus had an innocent look in his tiny eyes and quickly exclaimed to Eva, who was looking at him with a stern expression, "I promise it wasn't me! It was big bro!"