Plans for Sky Heart Plains

After entering the capital city of the Golden Lion Kingdom, Ace changes his appearance again and clothing in a dark alley and enters an inn. 

Once he was in his big room, he waved his sleeve and in front of five women appeared, and a small bird appeared on his shoulder. 

They were naturally the three house members, Freya's Witch Avatar, Jessie, Eva, and Cyrus, who were alerted by Ace a few minutes ago. 

"Where are we? Are we really in another world?" Winter exclaimed as she sensed dense Qi around, and she looked curiously at the new designs of the room. 

Not only she but others were also the same as they knew what was Ace's goal, and now that he let them out, it could only mean he had succeeded in finding his destination. 

Ace smiled before he flipped his hand, and small translucent nine-pointer dark golden stars appeared in his hand; they were the manifestation of his divine trait ability Knowledge Star, Star Slips!