Narcissist Death Striker

Within two hours, Ace passed the level four area of the Lightning Mountain and successfully ventured into level five, where soul realm level lightning beasts roam. 

But he slowed down a little and no longer avoided those lightning beasts since his cultivation was 'just' a breakthrough to the Soul Embryo Manifestation Realm's early stage. 

He deliberately begins to run into lightning beasts, but they are all shot down by soul arrows of ice elements. The lighting beast appeared to be made with gray corporeal lightning, and to kill them, one had to attack the lightning cores within their head directly. 

Although it sounds easy, the gray lightning was extremely resilient and could destroy weak elements easily. So, only those with the powerful element Qi can pierce through the gray lightning. 

Still, to kill them, the attack has to be very strong, or it would only slightly damage their gray thunder Qi.