Sky Abyss Secret Realm Opens!

Seeing the Mortal Emperor, everyone except Jenna and the two Princes kneeled and greeted, "We pay our respect to His Imperial Majesty, the Mortal Emperor!"

Meanwhile, the Empress and the two princes slightly bowed in respect. 

Antonio nodded in acknowledgment, "Rise everyone. You all are the future hope of my empire, and I'm very pleased to see you all as well." 

Then he smiled gently at Jenna while nodding, "It's been hard on you." 

"Your acknowledgment is enough for me, Your Majesty." Jenna gently stated as she walked beside the Emperor and stood beside him in her rightful place while the two princes impassively stood behind the other imperial children. 

On the other hand, Riana and Evie remained with the other Imperial Students. Although Riana was already engaged to Carlos, she still wasn't an official part of the Imperial Family yet, so she remained with the school crowd.