11. Lucas Is Back

The helicopter he was using landed right in the backyard of his private mansion. He immediately descended with Harry who was always faithful behind him. All of his assigned subordinates immediately saluted him as soon as they saw their big master coming. He is indifferent. The only thing on his mind now was how the girl was.

"Is he asleep?" he asked Mike who was walking behind him right beside Harry.

"Apparently not yet, sir. I didn't find him when I delivered the food and his order to the room. But I heard the gurgling of water in the bathroom. I thought he was cleaning himself." Mike replied confidently.

Lucas was still walking towards the room where the girl occupied with all her men following behind her.

"Go." he ordered coldly to all his men as soon as he was at the door of the girl's room.

Immediately they departed from the presence of their great Master. Unlike the case with Harry, Mike and Erix who still faithfully stood there.

"You're not leaving?" Lucas asked raising an eyebrow when he saw the three of them were looking at him confused.

"Do we have to go like them too?" Harry asked back. While Mike and Erix also gave a questioning look.

Lucas massaged the bridge of his nose. "No need. But don't blame your lord if his newest bullet hits each of you's hearts." he said coldly then opened the door knob.

Mike swallowed hard. While Erix glared in disbelief at his Master's sadistic words. Unlike Harry, who looks normal because he often hears sadistic threats from his master. Mentally really immune to it.

"Let's go." Harry said then turned to leave with Mike and Erix following right behind him.

Lucas stepped into the room after previously closing the door again. His eyes fell on the girl. No... It wasn't the weak, bedridden body with the drip hanging from it that he saw. But the body is wrapped in a clean white cloth from head to toe in a prostrate position on another cloth on the floor.

Lucas frowned in surprise. But soon he stepped foot closer to the girl. He sat on the edge of the bed right next to her.

It seemed that the girl was not bothered at all by his presence or was she not aware that someone was beside her? He was still making certain movements that Lucas didn't understand. But Lucas didn't care either. He still continued to watch the girl in silence and his sharp gaze.

Until finally the girl will get up from her seat.

"What are you doing?"

The girl turned. Shocked to find a man right beside him. He leaned back slightly, putting some distance between them.

"What is wrong?" he asked softly. He then looked at the man.

Lucas raised an eyebrow. He glanced at the white cloth that wrapped the girl's body.

Zoa who understood the direction of the man's gaze then lowered her head. Look at the mukena he is wearing.

"I was just praying." he explained by pointing to the mukena he was wearing. Maybe this man had different beliefs from him. Evidently he seemed to have never seen the one Zoa used with his gaze.

Lucas frowned. "Is this the day for worship? It's Saturday. Isn't it supposed to be worshiping tomorrow?" he asked remembering the day of religious worship that Harry and all his men adhered to.

Zoe nodded. "True. But it's not a day for worship in my religion."

Lucas frowned even more in confusion. "What is your religion?"

"Islam." Zoa replied with a confident nod.

Ah didn't he already know from this girl's data file? How much data did he actually read that he forgot this girl's which he just read yesterday. Gosh..

"I think I've heard a little about that religion. Isn't that the religion of the terrorists? I've seen a TV channel that broadcast news that a woman was arrested by the police because it was proven that she was a terrorist and she is also a Muslim like you." Lucas said a bit long. In fact, he rarely even spoke at length like before. Especially talking about TV shows. Impossible, but it just came out of his mouth. If only Harry knew. Maybe the stupid man would burst out laughing. Ah forget about Harry.

Zoe shook her head. "That's not true. They are not from my clan."

Lucas frowned again. "Then?"

"They are people who hate our religion. And do something that can defame Islam. They kill, slander, rape and so on. They even insult other religions by admitting to the public that they are Muslim and manipulating their original data. with false data. Even though in the true teachings of my religion, such acts are not justified."

Lucas just silently listened to the girl in front of him. He didn't really understand the girl's explanation. But he still listened.

"In religion we are taught to love and respect all creatures on earth. We are taught to uphold the nature of tolerance between people, religions, races and even any group that is around us. And for people like you said, they really don't have feelings by constantly finding fault with our ummah. Even though we have never once insulted or done anything to them or the teachings they profess. Even though there are some of us who try to defend our religion by demanding the right to insult and abuse them against religion. it made them feel even more proud because they managed to shake our resolve a little. But in the end we could only stare at it, even though deep down we wanted to retaliate."

"Just silent watching what they do?" he asked for sure. I don't know.. Lucas is just too curious about the girl's religion. However, he had never believed in God before. He only knows that people around him believe in their respective religions as the religion they think is true. But he didn't care about that either. But I don't know.. from the explanation of the girl in front of her about her religion.. It seems very different from the religious teachings of those people.

"Yes. It's normal for us to accept and just look at it. It's their right to do all the deeds. It's just that they can't be forgiven for their actions. Why should they carry our religion with them with their dirty deeds. Isn't that against the rules between religions? But they seem to have the support of certain people who also hate our religion. As a result, they continue to treat our religion arbitrarily."

Lucas only responded with a small nod of his head. He also does not really care about the religion that this girl adheres to. Let's just say he's a little curious about this girl's religion.

"You seem to be doing well." he said and stood up from his seat. His eyes accidentally glanced at the tray that was still full of food on the nightstand. "And eat before you rest. You haven't fully recovered yet." he continued and then just left Zoa's room.

Zoa smiled faintly before finally cleaning up the mukena as well as the prayer mat that she used to worship. He folded it as neatly as possible. Then returned to bed and took a tray of food that had been served earlier. And started eating it slowly. It turned out to be a bit cold. Had he been away for too long?

A flash of someone's face flashed through his mind. He stopped his feeding.

"Is that what you did?" he asked someone. He seemed to be talking to someone else in front of him, even though there was only him in this large room. His lips curled into a smile. Not the genuine smile he used to show people. But a sad smile remembers that figure.

A drop of clear water fell down her smooth cheek. But he didn't care. He returned to feed the food into his mouth even though it tasted bland and cold. He smiled again remembering that figure with tears that kept flowing and he also continued to eat. His heart ached. It wasn't the pain of regret or loss he felt for that person. But the deepest gratitude from his heart that he couldn't express from the first to that person. Thank you for everything.