21. Day Without Master

"What happened to Master, Mr. Frans?" asked Mike who saw Mr. Frans shook his head as he checked his Master's body.

The Vantouxer family's physician turned his head. "What did he just eat or drink?" he asked then inject another clear liquid on Lucas's lying body. He was used to seeing Lucas sick, but this was the first time the stubborn man had been poisoned. Moreover, the type of deadly poison in his body. His men are less careful in judging the people around them.

"Master hasn't eaten or drank anything since morning." Said Harry who had been beside Lucas all the time. The man still remembers what his master did or ate today. There is not any. Lucas has been sitting in his study since this morning without eating anything. He was working on a company folder that asked for his autograph.

Mr. Frans stood up from his crouch. Remove the stethoscope from his ear.

"Mr. Lucas is poisoned. He has a deadly poison like arsenic in his body, but it can still be cured. I think he knows the poison in the food or drink. Only a few organs are affected in his body."

Harry remembered something. "Oh my god... I forgot. Master drank coffee and immediately spit it out this morning. What's from there? But when the waiter drank it he immediately convulsed and died. ."

"What?! How come?" asked Erix who did not return to the mansion after visiting his sick lover. He didn't know what happened. Let's just say he was infatuated with a creature called a woman to carelessly left his job. As for Mike, the man kept silent with his thoughts.

"Where are you going, Mike?" Harry asked as soon as he saw Mike turn to leave.

"I have to find out who dared to put the poison in, Harry. I can't standstill. I was wrong and careless about guarding Master." He said and left his master's room. He was the same, even though he had been in his room since morning. But why doesn't he know?

Harry just nodded in response. He returned his gaze to his master's lying body.

I'm sorry sir. I'm not good at taking care of you. It's full of regret.

"I've injected the decongestant. Maybe Mr. Lucas will wake up after seven hours. It's all I have to get rid of him. If I inject another arsenic-eliminating liquid, Mr. Lucas will probably wake up in two hours. But I didn't have time to take him. . But don't worry, this liquid is also an arsenic remover. It's just that it doesn't work too fast." Clear Mr. France.

Harry and Erik nodded in understanding.

"It's done, I'm sorry to go home. I wish Mr. Luc a speedy recovery." He continued then walked away followed by Erix who would accompany him.

Harry remained in Lucas' room. His gaze could not be separated from his master's weak body lying on the bed. The gaze turned sad to see his master who was usually arrogant and cold now could only lie with a pale face on his bed. Harry started to approach the bed. He sat down next to Lucas.

"Master, come to your senses. I can't see you just lying in bed like this. It's like you're not." He said sadly. Yes, Harry will indeed be different if it is alone with his Master. Especially seeing Lucas who was injured because of his negligence. Harry felt guilty. Why had he not immediately investigated the coffee? All he did was wait for Lucas to finish his work and yes... After that Lucas was unconscious.

"You know Master? I didn't do what you told me this morning. I know this is the first time I've disobeyed your orders. But it's because of Miss. I'm sorry that I let Miss take over my duties. I was stupid, Master. Please wake up quickly. ." he said. His eyes were still staring sadly at Lucas who was closed and didn't move an inch.

Let's just say Harry is crazy because he's talking to an unconscious person and won't hear his chatter. He knew, but he still spoke as if his Master was listening to him well. Even if Lucas had come to his senses, he wouldn't have listened to Harry's stupid stories.

Harry chuckled to himself at his words. "Master, you know? I have a plan to set you up with Miss. You two look good together like before."

I don't know what Lucas will do to him if he hears his chatter. Shoot dead? Throw him out? Or torture him until Harry will ask to be killed himself? I am dunno... Harry missed the evil Lucas more than seeing him just lying there with his eyes closed. Oh, come on... Why does the Master now prefer to sleep than kill people?

"But if you don't want to, I will win Miss's heart. Ah, that girl is very sweet, sir." The chatter again which is of course useless. It's useless, Lucas won't wake up just because of his stupid words.

Harry sighed wearily. "Master... Hurry up. I promise to obey all your orders, even I will die if you ask for it. Come on... Quickly wake up. You look ugly because you keep your eagle eyes closed."

Harry wiped the drop of water that had just fallen down his cheek. He was really sad to see Lucas just silent and motionless even though he could still hear his breath. Lucas had never been like this before. Maybe he was sick just because of the hot metal rushing into his body. But this? In his body, there is a deadly poison. Gosh .. which psychopath has the heart to put poison in his master's drink. If Mike had found out who did it. Harry swore he would kill the man straight away. Sometimes he hurt his great master.

"If Master wakes up. You can torture me or skin my body for disobeying your orders. But come to your senses. I don't want to see you like this. Please, Master." Said Harry who had been crying for some time. He even held Lucas' hand like a scene in a soap opera. Gosh... He regretted his carelessness.


The sophisticated iPad in his jacket pocket beeped. This indicates that there is an incoming notification. He immediately opened it.

"Shit. Why now? Master is in no mood to take care of it." He said slowly after reading the incoming message. What else will he receive besides important notifications? It was Harry who handled all of Lucas' business.

Harry closed his sophisticated iPad again. He stared at Lucas for a moment before turning away from him.

"Erix, look after Master. I have a business to attend to." He said to Erix who had just entered Lucas' room.

Erix just nodded without wanting to interfere in what business Harry was going to finish. Maybe it's a company thing? And that's not his field. He is only in charge of buying and selling prohibited items in the master's headquarters. The rest, only Harry can handle it.

Harry immediately looked away as soon as Erix stepped closer to Lucas who was lying down. At least he had to take care of a bit of his Master's business at a time like this. He couldn't possibly disappoint his master a second time because he wasn't good at his job.

Meanwhile, Erik. He sat down next to Lucas. Just like Harry earlier. It's just that he didn't do the soap opera scene that Harry played earlier. Erix just kept quiet and kept an eye on his Master's weak body. He sighed. He was wrong because he had left the mansion just to meet his lover. If he hadn't gone, perhaps his Master wouldn't have been lying in a poisoned body like this. Ah, Erix. Next time you should think twice if you want to leave the mansion. Look... Your master is now just silent with his eyes closed and not moving from his position.