31. The Enemy In The Blanket

"The lord of the weapons we sent to Mexico was interrupted during a change of ship at the Port of Manzanillo Colimo. And Israel has not yet imported the weapons we need."

The man called Master tapped his index finger on the glass table. Now there was a loud knocking sound in the soundproof room, moreover, they were all silent. Adds a sense of intimidation that is so real.

"Eliminate the people who are in Mexico. They are useless!" the man commanded coldly with an eagle gaze capable of obliterating those who did not submit to him. Not to forget the sturdy jaw that was perfectly sculpted on his handsome face tightened, showing the visible facial muscles there.

"If Israel hasn't delivered the goods within three days. You can make similar weapons, and sell them to customers at a lower price than Israel."

They all nodded in understanding. The master when he has decided something is always right on target. Do you see? The first he ordered to eliminate his men in Mexico. Do you know why? Of course, because they are not good at work, there might be disturbances after being there for so long. That means they are not careful in their actions and must be killed. You know yourself that the Master doesn't like anything that doesn't go the way. Then those who get in the way should be removed right? Like when there are thorns that block your steps. You'll get rid of them until they're completely gone and won't let another thorn get in the way again. And in the same way, their great lord removed the thorns in his path.

The second is to make similar weapons and sell them at a lower price. Do you know why the Master said that? Of course, to make it is difficult for Israel to get income because customers will certainly prefer low prices with good quality to the prices offered by Israel. Don't blame the big lord, it's a punishment for Israel for not heeding their master's orders.

"Another." Said the man as a big lord. He took a sip of the wine he had just poured.

A slightly stocky man stepped forward.


The slightly stocky man bit his lower lip for a moment, momentarily neutralizing the nervousness of having to reveal something very personal from his Master.

"My report is finished. It's just that..."

The big master man raised one eyebrow, waiting for the other subordinate to continue his report.

"I saw a woman in your mansion, sir."

The Great Lord's man fell silent. Unbeknownst to them, his Master's hands had clenched into fists until his knuckles turned white.

"You hacked into the Master's mansion, Holmes?" asked Torito who was beside his Master. Meanwhile, Xian and Rovier stared intently at the man named Holmes, who was indeed one of the tech-savvy men. It is undeniable that he can also hack into the whereabouts of anyone who hides their true identity. Including the Master? How could he not think ahead?

The man in the middle tried to calm his nervousness towards his Master. He looked down. Stupid! Why can't his mouth keep a secret at all? It's the end of your history when you do this. Holmes .. Gosh there is no other way but to give up. But he was already curious about the woman who always wore a closed dress and the answer from her master, especially when she saw her master's real face in the mansion. It was very different when he was at the base. Ah.. even he ignored the fear that enveloped his body. Oh, God!

"Sorry Mister." He said regretfully. He didn't even dare to look at his Master after his impudent mouth slipped.

The man showed a smirk seeing the confession of one of his men. He could see that all his men were also surprised by this man's expression. But it didn't matter, he had deliberately provoked an honest confession from Holmes, considering that it was rather difficult for him to keep secrets when he was curious.

"Turns out there are thorns between us." Said the man who had now stood up from his swivel chair. Don't ask where the smart gun he always carries. Even the cold thing was already swirling sweetly in his finger.

"Who else wants to confess?" he asked coldly with a piercing gaze. Tails his eyes to all his men. A smirk appeared on his lips.

"Okay. Looks like my bullet needs prey today." He said again with a mocking smile looking at the rows of his men. He then pointed the muzzle of his gun at Holmes who was still faithfully looking down.

"You guys agreed for yourself that in the headquarters all real identities should be hidden. But now even someone has dared to see my real identity." His hiss was sharp.

Meanwhile, Holmes stiffened as the gun's shadow shot straight at him. He closed his eyes for a moment.

"Master I'm sorry. Please spare my life. I promise not to repeat my reckless actions." Said Holmes, now kneeling at his Master's feet. He has no one to make amends. At least this big master didn't ask the reason behind his actions?

The man smirked as he saw his men kneeling right under his feet. "Have I ever forgiven the wrong person?" he hissed. He kicked Holmes so hard the man fell backward. He coughed with a bloody nose. Because the big master kicked him right in the chest. But he immediately returned to his knees under his Master again.

"Who told you to?!"

What?! How did the master know if he was ordered by someone? Did the Master know before he said it?

Stupid! You are a fool, Holmes. How can the master not know? He understands much better than you. You saw for yourself the three people behind your master just watched silently. If they didn't find out, you'd be even more devastated than you are now.

It sinks deeper. "Robert Smith." He said resignedly. He didn't know what to say anymore if the big master had cornered him like this. All he can do is surrender and ask God to protect him for now.

Gosh... The cold thing was right on his forehead. He closed his eyes feeling the coldness of the hard object. I don't know what the Lord's plans are after this.


A man who was among the ranks of the men fell one because of the bullet that pierced his heart. While the other subordinates were a bit surprised because previously his master aimed his gun at Holmes' head, but a moment later it was the man among them who received the surprise attack.

"Bring Robert. After that, I'll make sure you'll follow your friend into the afterlife." Said the big master man coldly and then left this special room.

Holmes opened his eyes at the sound of his Master's command. The first sight he saw was that his master's three confidants smiled mockingly.

"You survived this time." Said Torito before the bogeman landed smoothly on Holmes' face because of his actions. Then immediately followed the Master.

Rovier was still Faithful with a smile looking at Holmes who wiped the blood on the corner of his lips. He also followed Torito afterward.

"Watch your actions, Holmes. Once you create a spark in the Master, do not expect the Master to just stare at you. You are too bold to disturb the Master's life." Said Xian, patting Holmes lightly on the shoulder. Then he walked over to his two friends.

Meanwhile Holmes. The man then spat anything. His hands clenched tightly. "Robert... That old fart!" he hissed softly with a sharp gaze on the floor. Then he stood up and turned to leave.

Empty. There was no one else here except the corpse of a man on the floor with a lot of blood on it. His master was indeed an expert in various firearms. But how did he know Rown was involved?

"We are stupid, Rown." He said with a pitying look at the corpse of his traitor friend. He chuckled. Soon it will be like that too. Lying down and no one wanted to touch her stiff body.

Holmes took a deep breath before finally coming out of this eerie room. Leaving Rown's stiff body lying there without him wanting to help her.

Sorry, Rown...