53. Unexpected Meeting

"You're not fast enough, Harry," he commented as he saw the man handcuffing Zoa get shot.

Lucas immediately started the car after seeing Harry and David shooting at Zack's men without a break. He likes it when the enemy doesn't have the power like now, only Zack is left now.

Exactly ten meters away Lucas stopped his car and looked back at the screen. His hands clenched tightly when he saw Zoa endure the pain from Zack's strangulation.

"Fuck! What are you doing Harry? You ignored my orders and left the girl hurt," Lucas hissed and grabbed his phone.

Lucas was about to call Harry just now, but the man on his right hand contacted him faster.

"You are stupid?!" Lucas growled as soon as the connection was made.

"Sorry, sir. But Miss is talking to Zack."

Lucas took a deep breath and kept his eyes focused on the iPad screen. "Go there now and bring Zoa to me," Lucas said and hung up the phone one-sidedly.