85. Other Reason

Zoa slowly started to walk towards the center of the room, her body still shaking violently with her heart beating so fast. His eyes continued to rest on someone who began to look at him blankly, as well as his body that was not like before. What happened to make him turn like this? This is not something that can be forgiven, especially without knowing the real reason.

While the middle-aged man blinked repeatedly slowly as he watched a woman begin to approach him, his brow furrowed as he realized who it was. Even though his body was not tied up, the pain throughout his body made him painful if he moved just a little, even holding hands just to relax his muscles he had to try hard. So he could only watch and listen to what the girl had to say to him without being able to do anything, huh... The girl who had crossed his mind yesterday finally came to see him.