104. Subway

"He's my new client."

Farez answered still looking down, looking at his dirty and wet shoes while still trying to hold back the pain in his stomach. He didn't care about these three if he looked at him who was clearly in pain, his stomach was tormenting him by trying to maintain his usual face. Gosh.. today is unlucky! Why does he have to be faced with an extraordinary feeling of cramping when he is with his Great Lord? Damn it!

"He's my friend."

Farez turned his head with a face of pain that was so obvious when he heard his Master's voice speak again, saw the cold man now put his magazine on the table, then looked at him with a sharp gaze. He didn't care if his master would insult him again by seeing his pained face, all he wanted now was to rest in peace and his stomach to get better.

"Business friends who like to hurt each other," added Harley still with his sharp gaze, ignoring Farez's face and that sad gaze.