111. The Destiny

"But...because of my negligence, the Big Master left you."

"It was fate, Anora. If my father continued to live with me ignoring me, it would have blinded me to not see the reality until now but he finally left and I am now starting to realize what I did before was a mistake."

Her Master's words stunned Anora. How could his master be this wise and the one thing that had been bugging Anora's mind for a long time, was that Lucas was talking about a destiny? Hey.. does the master now believe in the existence of a God who governs all life? Was he dreaming or did his Master now believe in the existence of God?

"Do you now believe in destiny?" Anora asked very carefully for fear of offending her Master, who had never previously agreed that there was a God who governs all life and the destiny of all humans. So now?