125. Stupid Woman

Sandy stared intently into Erix's dark brown eyes, brought her face closer in doubt, and p,ulled Erix's black jacket closer to her. While Erix was following the woman's movements, it seemed that this woman to say something so top-secret that she had to pull it off like a state-owned secret agent. Ah.. too much but that's the truth.

Sandy's lips got closer to Erix's ear, where wheelyd to say something about how he was feeling right now. Ah.I hope this guy is okay after hearibhearingbe long."

Eric's words again made the heart that was originally happy again slapped with pain. How could that man say goodbye before they did anything? Even just accompanying a meal and it's already time-consuming? Was Erix tired of him? She felt ignored again after a while feeling like she was being tossed up like a princess. Hey... It's been said that Erix will accompany him even if it's not for long, is that still inattention? Is he still not grateful for Erix? But...