175. End

Small talk, of course, even his eyes glanced at the gun one of the men was carrying carefully, making sure it was clear what type of gun they used to kill all his men. Just a gun? But it worked too even though a gun wouldn't instantly kill or bleed, seeing a small vial the other man was carrying was enough to convince him that it was the poison that killed them all. Damn, he's only good at memory without being able to easily come up with an idea to save himself. Is he this bad? Seriously.

Just as the man carrying the bottle was about to step on his feet, Jackson's shot hit him in the stomach first. Making the masked man fall on the floor with a groan in pain and lose the poison bottle he was carrying, while the other man immediately replaced his gun with a real bullet gun, shooting Jackson right in the hand that was holding the gun. Making the man as his enemy also scream in pain with his other hand pressing the hand that was shot.
