Chapter 01

I woke up to the noise of my cellphone. I would have gotten up later, but I found a reason to act immediately, and that was the Twitter notifications from which I admired. Luna Gonzales.

Luna tweeted: ‘See you Luna Admirers!’

Luna Admirers RT: Luna ‘See you Luna Admirers!’

James mentioned you: ‘Bro! Your crush has an event. It used to be Luna, come in!”

She is a famous influencer and author. I've been following and supporting her for a long time but not once have I seen her in person, but this event seems to cross the path of the two of us.

While I was brushing my teeth I was reading the pub mat post by Luna Admirers, Luna's official fan group.

Get a chance to meet Ms. Luna Villanueva and join Dating Luna, on July 11, at SMX Convention Center. This is a fundraising event., 75% of the proceeds will be donated to Ms. Luna’s charity. Special thanks to our sponsors! We can’t wait to see you!

That's what they posted in the pubmat but there are no mechanics yet so I’m just chill at first somehow, but I only make sure of one thing, and that is that I will not miss this opportunity to meet Luna, my dearest.

While I was getting dressed, I got a message from James.

James: Brad? How’s your fanboy life?

When I read his message I immediately called him because we will meet today to roam and chat. It's Saturday so this is the only time we both have free time to go out and leave our jobs first.

I really shouldn’t go with him now because maybe later Luna will suddenly post or ‘maybe her fans club has the requirements or details needed for me to join Dating Luna.

When I came out of my house, James' car opened up to me. I knocked on the mirror and he slowly lowered it.

“Hey! Come on, what? Luna still? Bro, you make me so jealous. Did I think I was the only one? Am I not enough? Am I a substitute? ” James joked.

"Bro, I'm sorry”, my answer.

“This, let's go. Faster." said James.

"One dot, I'll come with you" I joked.

“All right, enter your condo. Thank you all. Goodbye my old friend ... ”he joked while acting very sad.

“Gosh, pretend I still don't support Luna, eh you really want to see her right? Because for sure your crush is with you, Olivia Gonzales, right? ” my answer.

“IAll right, get in here in the car. ” said James once opening the car door.

"Because you made so much drama" I replied while getting inside James' car.


When we arrived at the mall we immediately went to a diner. James ordered at the counter, while I was left at our table and restless. There is no signal here inside the diner. What if I suddenly post the requirements? What if Luna and I don't meet? How ?!

“Just calm down Sol, maybe later when we come out there will be a signal. Maybe they will not close the participants immediately, right? ” said James as he unloaded the tray with our order number with soft drinks.

“How can I calm down? This is just the chance that Luna and I will meet. I feel like I'll go crazy when I loose this opportunity” I told him.

"It simply came to our notice then. Just trust. But if not really, Universe will take care of you two. ” said James.

"Universe?" I wonder.

“Yes, the Universe. He will take care of you if she meets you. You know if you can't be together today,you’ll meet on the day you least expected. ” said James

“Hey, Universe! I've been waiting for years, at least for a moment, please. ” I said.

When I said those words, suddenly there were screams outside the restaurant we were eating at. There are also people who go out to see what is out there.

"Maybe later, there will be trouble or a fight there" James said to me.

“Miss Luna! Let’s take a picture! ” shouts a restaurant staff while running out of the kitchen and holding a cellphone.


I quickly got up from my seat and ran out of the restaurant to see Luna. It was crowded with almost all the people outside the restaurant. People are also pushing to get a picture and get closer to Luna.

"Luna!" I shouted to get noticed because there were so many people and that was the only way I thought Luna might notice me.

"Hi!" Luna replied while waving at me and walking away to get inside her car.

"LUNA, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I shouted.

Everyone looked at me. It was as if I just wanted to sink to the ground, but I did not regret it because Luna and I met and he noticed me. HA? WAIT? DID SHE NOTICE ME? HOW TO CALM?

James is right, I just really believe in the Universe. What happened was very unexpected. Although I was not able to take a picture with him, I was happy because he answered me with "Hi!". Seriously, until now I can't believe Luna noticed me.

All I can say now is “Thank you, Universe!”

“Oh? What? Do you believe in the Universe? Alas, he is not with Olivia. ” James asked me

“Yes. I already believe, but you know? I have a thought now, what if we were really meant to be. I am Sol, he is Luna. Meant to be diba? ” I told him.

"How was it meant to be?" James asked me while arranging our orders because while we were talking the restaurant crew suddenly came carrying our food.

“Meant to be because Sol and Luna. Is it Sun and Moon ”I explained to James.

“But aren't they the ones who say that destiny does not meet? Because look, there is never a day that they see each other? The Sun or Sun, we only see in the morning, noon, and afternoon, but when night comes they change the Moon or Moon right? ” said James to me

"So they meet" I replied to James.

"When and how aber?" he asked me.

"Whenever there is a Solar or Lunar Eclipse" I replied to him.