Chapter 04

After Luna Admirers posted, many people commented that we were something when Sol, because they said ‘Sol and Luna’. Well, that's normal for me too. The winning man's face was quite familiar. Did I see him somewhere? At the mall? Do not know. He was just familiar.

As I was reading the comments and eating, Olivia suddenly approached me to talk.

"Hi, Ate Luna!" said Olivia to me.

“You know sister, I know the winner of Dating Luna. I met his friend yesterday at the mall. They also helped me bring other clothes I bought. ” Olivia's story to me.

“Mall? OMG! That's why his face is super familiar. I also saw him at the mall yesterday. Opposite a restaurant. He looks nice. ” I said.

“What looks, sister? He's really kind, and he's also a gentleman. His friend is a bit weird, but also kind. ” said Olivia.

"So you bet?" I asked Olivia.

“What? There are two guys I told you about HAHA ”Olivia replied to me.

“Sol? Or his friend? ” I asked.

“Oh. They are both kind and gentleman but at some point, I bet a bit more because they are naughty and weird, so maybe Sol's friend? But I still don't think of that sister. I want to be an architect before lovelife. ” said Olivia to me.

“That’s it, that’s good. Because of that, you buy milkea and additional books for reviewer, I will take care of the payment. ” I told him.

Olivia has to review for the Architecture Licensure Exam. This is her second time to take the exam so I really need to support her in this review because she was very sad when she found out that she did not pass the first time he took it.

“That's right, the books have been added to my cart hehe. Thank you! Love you! ” said Olivia to me.

"Just review properly." I said to Olivia.

"What's the flavor of your sister?" he asked.

"Wait ..."

Olivia and I stopped talking, because Mama suddenly called me.

“Hello, ma? Why?" I asked mom.

“What are you doing again? What is this Dating Luna? Are you that desperate for love? Cancel the entire event. From now on, you are not allowed to go to your events. Stay there in your condo. ” said mama to me.

“But ma, everything is ready. The event is for a cause and that's why we organized Luna Admirers because it's also for the fans. I just want to give back to them the support and love he gives me. It's also a waste of Megan's effort. It's been a long time since I last had an event with only my fans. ” I said.

“I don't know about you! Olivia and you will take care of it. ” said mama once end call.

Olivia approached me and hugged me.

“Let it go, sister. I love you! ” said Olivia.

"Shall I continue?" I asked Olivia.

“If you ask me, yes sister. Because you are not doing anything wrong. It's the same for your fans. ” said Olivia to me.

“Okay. I'll just explain to mama when she's calm somehow. ” I said.

“Wait sister, just go down to the lounge. The food we delivered is already there. Love you! ” goodbye Olivia.

To this day I still wonder why this mama still doesn't want me to do this, but when it comes to Olivia, she approves. I'm not angry because I know he has a reason why he does this.

“Hi, sister. I’m here now. ” said Olivia as she handed me the milktea.

"Cheers to future Architect Olivia!" I told her.

"I haven't even passed yet HAHA" Olivia said to me.

"Claim it. You can do it!” I told her.

"I failed the first exam,"she said.

“Oh. Use your experience or past as a lesson and motivation in your exam today. I believe you. You can, and you can. ” I told her.

“Wait, don't cry now sister HAHA. Seriously, you really are the best sister. As long as I become an architect, I will build our house first. You, me, mama… and I hope dad is here. When will we see him again? ” Olivia asked.

"We don't know, but I hope we'll be together again in the same house soon." I answer him.

"But thank you ate ha?" said Olivia to me.

“Thank you? Where? Why? ” I will ask.

“Because you are always there for me. You are always supportive of what I do. Just, thank you ate! ” said Olivia.

"It's my duty as your sister, and you deserve it." my answer.

"Aw, thank you so much sister!" said Olivia said while hugging me.
