Chapter 7

Until now I still don't know how I will feel because Luna talked to me. Even though our conversation ended quickly, that was enough for me. I didn't force him to talk to me anymore because of course I also knew that the man was tired and he also needed to rest.

I'm really excited that we'll meet again in ‘Dating Luna’ because we can talk better in person, but I'm sure that in the beginning, we'll both be embarrassed.

I was also excited for James and Olivia, especially when Luna mentioned ‘the feeling is mutual. I feel like the two will stay together. There is really something between the two of them.

Can Luna and I? Will we be together in the end? Will my dreams of marrying Luna come true?

Just in case, the Universe will take care of it. If not, why not? You can insist, joke! It's hard to force things that shouldn't be.


The next day, Luna Admirers admin sent instructions and guidelines for the ‘Dating Luna’ event.

@lunaadmirers: Good Day, Mr. Sol! This is Admin Megan. Here are some reminders for the Dating Luna Event.

1) Please wear something formal.

2) Please arrive 30 minutes before the time for the briefing.

3) No use of phones while you’re on backstage.

Thank you! – Admin Megan.

How many days left! Let's meet again soon, Luna. I'm already preparing myself and what I'm going to say to him on our date.

“Hi, Luna! By the way, I am Sol Villanueva… ”I stopped speaking because I suddenly saw the DM notification from Olivia. I immediately opened his message.

@olivgonzales: Hi Sol! Are you and James free now? I just wanted to ask if I could take you two with me because my security is on leave. I didn't DM James because he's not awake yet? If it's okay with you too hehe. Thank you!

When I read that message I immediately called James.

“Hello, pre! Olivia asks if the two of us are available, she says she'll just make it worse. He doesn't seem to text you because you might not be awake yet ”I said.

“Huh? Not awake yet? I've been retweeting here before oh, but it's okay. What did you say? ” he asked.

"It's going to get worse because he doesn't seem to have security" I replied.

“I'm awake now, but go ahead. Shall we just meet at the mall or will I pick you up? ” James asked.

"Are you sure? It's okay for you. I don't want to ride the third wheel today. ” I said.

“All right, come along. Just get me there. Please tell Olivia, we are going to the mall ”James said to me.

“Going to the mall? You're just going to come to me ”I said while fixing it.

“Let it go, the women are slow. See you later, pre ”James said as he hung up the phone.

To this day I wonder why I need to be with the two of them and James. I'm sure James really wants to be with Olivia, I don't know why I should be with him. I will still do third-wheel.

I immediately got ready and went downstairs to wait for James downstairs. As I was sitting in the lounge I received a call.

“Hello, Sol! This is Olivia. I asked for your number from Megan, the admin of Luna Admirers. I'm going to the mall, are you? ” said Olivia.

“Oh. Hi, Olivia! James and I are just going to pick me up. In 5 minutes maybe, it will be here. ” my answer.

“Okay. See you! ” said Olivia once she ended the call.

When Olivia came down, it was immediately followed by James' call.

“Pre, you're out. I'm here ”said James.

"All right all right" I said as I walked out of the lounge.

When I got out, James came out of the car and was talking on his cellphone.

"Pre, let's go." I said.

"Come on, what did Olivia say?" James asked.

"He's also going to the mall" I replied to him.

“Going ?! Come on! ” said James once he started his car.

"It's very easy for your brother again," I said.

James was obviously panicking because Olivia was on her way.