Jake’s agenda for a week since they had arrived was to follow Lea around observing all her movement and acting as her knight in shining armor.
Today was the day he was going to approach her, seeing as she had a favorite coffee shop, like they say ‘the best way to a man’s – woman’s heart is through the stomach.
And that was what he was going to do.
Arriving at the coffee shop, 30 minutes earlier than Lea, he waited, her usual morning coffee time had come and he hadn’t seen her. Two more hours into the noon, she hadn’t arrived.
Curse his luck.
When he decided to approach her, she wasn’t available, leaving the shop, he saw her coming in laughing with a French guy.
He Was Beyond Outraged
He changed his mind deciding to stay around wondering why his moron watcher he sent to monitor her didn’t inform about this new development.