“Hello mum,” she beamed. “What is this I’m sensing radiating off you?” her mum asked suspiciously, “Mum… can’t I call because I miss you?” she asked slyly.
“Nope, not at all, when I know my own daughter is keeping things from me while disguising it as her longing for me when we spoke about 8 hours ago” she spoke before she could say anything
“Listen young lady, I demand an explanation for calling me at 10 pm when you know I should have my forty winks”
“Mummm” she stressed. “I’vegotaguyandhewantsmetomoveinwithhimafteraboutfivemonthsofdatingandi’mconfused,idon’twanttorejecthimbutalsowanttomaketherightdecision.” She rushes out giving no space for breathing.
“Let me get, you have a guy and you want to move in with him but you don’t know if it’s too early for a five month relationship” she said saying it like that explained it more to her.