Page 14

“Hey,” said Zara. “Hi, Z,” I said sitting down at the lunch table. “Are you okay,'' said Zara. “ya, why you ask,” I said. “You seem paranoid, when we entered the mall yesterday and when we left the mall,” said Zara with a concerned smile.

“Well did you feel like...umm someone was following us in the mall,” I said. “Of course all the women and men were focusing their eyes on me. Look at me. I’m all that and a bag of chips,” said Zara one arch eyebrow. “Not like that. Like in a creepy way, you know,” I said.

“Oh..umm no,” said Zara. “I don’t know but I felt watched...but it's probably nothing,” I said. Zara opens her mouth but gets cut off by someone approaching us. “Hi, Zara,” said Ryan. They both smile at each other for 10 seconds until I butt in and ruin their “moment”, but in my defense, it was getting awkward for me.