
A Pent-Up Run.

It had been a few weeks since I was here. Locked in my room, I knew no one could harm me at least while I was under the protection of Aiden. It was as if I was a little bird under the protection of an egg knowing it's safe, unharmed and protected, though that little bird knows that the egg will hatch one day leaving it to be vulnerable and harmed.

I was locked up inside of my thoughts that no one could overcome, not even I could do it. But I was not so clear about my dreamy or Nightmare-y little actions that could lead to the worst places of my mind or the worst places of my life.

No one could comprehend of what I was feeling. No one could get to my thoughts. No one.

I was so weak and vulnerable.

I was just like the flower. Oh, how they flourish with the brightest colors known to man, never showing gloominess on their exterior so that people can enjoy the beauty that they possessed. Flowers are used for pollen that they have, just for the sake of the selfish others.

I heard knocking on the twilight door, I liked to call it the 'door of twilight' because the door held the twilight which held the tiny, little magical balls of my hope, but the door was locked and sealed away, and I was left with the old bully of mine and everyone's, named, 'Despair'. I then heard the sounds of clicking which highly raised my interests as I saw a maid walking in. That was when an idea popped in to my head.

Running towards the shocked woman--probably in her 40's--who couldn't even comprehend what was going on. I kicked her at which she groaned in pain as I took her head and knocked her out. I started to search in her attire for any possible weapon and then I found a knife. I put the knife in the pocket of my clothes which were so light and thin--so thin that you could see my figure through it.

I ran out the door and then closed it shut. And so, I ran and ran, as if there was no dead end, closing my eyes as I finally felt free. But little did my old self know that, that was the biggest mistake of my life, I did not know that in the time span of seconds--my whole life would change.

I had this familiar feeling of someone behind me, like warmth. Whoever that was came near me and strangled me on the ground, being careful not to hurt me. They--He took my arms as he locked them with his, so I couldn't escape. Arms were tightening around my figure as I struggled more and more in his embrace, but he was a large a man. I remembered that I had kept a knife in my pocket but I looked down to see it no-where but what I di saw was my ripped pocket--that when it hit me--The knife ripped through the pocket. That was when I realized it and tears silently creeped their way upon my eyes.

I wanted to flee the wrecked place. I was scared, petrified of what was going to happen to me. I moved my gaze to the muscular man on top of me which I first though of as Aiden. He wasn't Aiden and that passed a wave of relief throughout my body but the relief stopped midway when I realized that this man was probably on Aiden's side. He couldn't be a worker, they don't have much authority. He couldn't be Aiden's work partner or enemy, they won't even dare to step in the middle of his personal life--Unless he was a close friend. From that I kind of had a hint of who he was to Aiden but not

his identity.

The man was wearing a crayon blue satin, long sleeved shirt with tight black pants. He had soft, long, curly hair, suiting him. "Come with me.", He said like there's no such thing as the word 'Strangers'. At the time I knew there were only two options left: Go with the man who could possibly lead me to a living hell, or, option two: Slap or beat the man with out knowing the future consequences, but I did know one thing about the consequences, they weren't going to be light. But I thought option 2 was way better than the first. And so, I hit the man on his face with all my might, which kind of confused and shocked him, the on the ribs and finally on the pelvis of which I head a loud grunt and a "Falling on the ground" From him, also earning a huge chance to run--a chance that I availed.

I was running with the fastest pace but that got interrupted by huge muscular arms catching me--Totally not familiar with the scene.

This time I knew who it was. This time, I knew there was no running.

This was like the game I played as a child, 'Hide and Seek'. its where you hide from your seeker, but there wasn't a game ever in my life, where I, as a victim used to win, just like in this case, I didn't win, I got caught. I lost

Honey and Milk, they feel so delicious alone, but if you put them together, the Flavors you longed for are gone, their majestic personalities don't go good together, only if you want to feel the desire for tastes relaxing you, it was just like if Aiden and Avyanna were put together.

My nightmare began to shine as the sun was almost gone, giving the last of its light dimming quickly like my hopes of escaping. The light of the dimming sun was shining through the white and cold halls in the mansions of your dreams. The pure white walls shining so bright, the doors becoming blacker as the gold door knob shines bright like the yellow sun. The green plant pots were placed with every door that was near. But I knew that wasn't a thing to be focusing on, the main things to focus on was the dark, piercing gaze of Aiden towards me that sent shivers to the bottom of my spine, as if it was their only destination, giving her goosebumps that rose like the flower of rose blooming on the days in which the sun shined bright.